Chapter 2

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They finally arrived at James' cabin, the entrance said, 'Private Property', they all climbed through the gate as James left his keys at home. They sat around a fire with hot cocoa in their hands. Wrapped in blankets and getting comfy, they all decided to play a game of truths – a game of telling people your completely honest answer on questions people ask you to get to know you and your beliefs, opinions, life etc. James had an empty bottle of coke left in the bin from last time they all came up here. Harry spun the bottle and whoever it landed on had to answer his question. The bottle landed on Lois.

"Okay, Lois, let's get to know you shall we..." Harry uttered.

Lois rolled her eyes in a flirtatious way and insisted, "Go on..."

"...What's the best thing about Eva?" Harry questioned,

"She's easy; and when her problems get too overwhelming, she runs to me like a lost puppy," Lois replied.

It went silent, you could see everybody thinking about Lois' answer and how it was reprehensible. Sam thought it was rude and patronising. Aimee thought it was insensitive. Harry found it uncomfortable. Eva looked as if she has just been stabbed in the back, but she dismissed it because she loves Lois. James thought it was quite a sadistic and unusual way to describe the best things about your significant other.

Lois laughed and said, "AHAHA I'm joking guys, everything is perfect about Eva, I couldn't possibly choose a couple of the 'best things' because she is the best."

"Period queen, you tell them!" Aimee said, trying to remove the awkward aura that had been created.

Lois spun the bottle and it landed on Aimee, "Ahh Aimee, answer this for me, why do you abuse substances?"

"Aha, um, what's that supposed to mean?" Aimee asked, stammering her words. Aimee's leg started rapidly shaking up-and-down.

"You know what I mean. Why do you smoke weed all the time?" Lois asked with more detail.

"You don't have to answer babe," Harry said, whilst placing his hand in hers, trying his hardest to comfort her.

"You already know but as you insist. My ex-best friend, Mina, shared my private photos around my old school. The photos went around all the schools in the state. I was a laughingstock. Constant whispers whenever I walk around school. Everybody staring. Boys thinking I'm easy. Girls thinking I'm a slut. I abuse drugs, like weed, because it calms down my anxiety, my family do not know this because it'd kill them if they knew I was a drug user. My family are very against it but there, happy now?" Aimee shattered into a thousand pieces.

"I'm very satisfied thank you. Sam are you sure you want to be friends with someone like her? A bad influence, somebody with such a large ego she sends photos of her body to everybody and blamed her best friend for it, somebody who won't even get help for her drug addiction. Hey Aimee, imagine how your younger self would look at you right now if they could, they'd be disappointed." Lois said.

Eva looked at Lois in pure disgust of what came out of her mouth. Sam looked at Aimee and she looked so ashamed of herself. James stood up, grabbed Lois' wrist and shouted, "Leave. I don't want you hovering around or coming with us here ever again."

"Or what?" Lois said, tempting James.

"Get out, you bitch!" James exclaimed, full of anger now.

Lois looked over at Eva and said, "Let's go."

"No," Eva said,

"No?" Lois replied, questioning Eva's response.

"Yes, no. I'm not coming with you. Why should I? You are a mess. You ruin everything." Eva stood her ground.

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