How the Grinch Stole Christmas Part 15

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Chapter 15:

When it's almost time for the Grinch and Mercy Grace to steal Christmas, she begins to feel depressed. The familiar depression she has always felt ever since she started living with her father. Mercy Grace walks into the cold, shivering at the touch on her bare arms under the matching shawl covering her shoulders. The jewelry that Kyle Ray has given her are still in their places as if the jewelry weren't touched.

A single tear falls down her pale cheek as she looks down towards Whoville. "If only you could know the things I love to say," Mercy Grace sings from her heart, holding her hands together in front of her. "If I only I could you tell you what I had been wishing on every Christmas Day." Her dark eyes look up to the starry night. "It has been in my dreams; my heart's an open book. You'd see it all at once if only you would look." Images of Kyle Ray from their childhood and the Whobilation appear in the night sky. "If only I could tell you this feeling that I feel." She closes her eyes, looking down to the snowy ground while holding her heart. "If only you would notice what I've been wanting to reveal. The dreams I've always dreamed, the needs I can't deny. You would see them all if only you would try." Mercy Grace raises her arms to keep her warm. "All my wishes that I would tell you, I see a wedding and us saying "I do," then we'll finally start a family." Visions of her wedding with Kyle and seeing a couple of children flashes in her head. "Oh, how happy I would be."

"I can't shake this feeling that has always been so familiar," Kyle Ray sighs, walking through the quiet, empty streets of Whoville. "I can't help but feel dizzy like the way I had felt before." A flashback of him first meeting her appears. "Every time I think about her, it feels like time has stopped moving. Almost like the way it did that day at school when she came through the door. Oh, Mercy Grace."

"If only my dream would come true. If only in a while."

"Come back, Mercy Grace." He lets out a tear as he looks up to Mount Crumpit.

"If only I could make my wish come to life, and it would me smile."

"Mercy Grace."

"But I guess I never will." The teenage Who girl cries a few more tears before kneeling on the snow. "I guess it doesn't show, but if I ever find a way to find a miracle and so. Oh, what I would give if only you could know."

"If only I know how I could make him see the light," Cindy Lou looks through the window up to Mount Crumpit as well, dressed for bed. "If only I could make him happy and everything will be alright. And if I only could, I'd tell him what I would do. I'd just simply wave my hand and make all of his dreams come true. And wouldn't that surprise him if he only he knew?"

"I can't believe she suddenly once again disappeared into thin air," Martha May sings sadly, holding a picture of her and Mercy Grace as a newborn. "I had just reunited with her, and now again, she is gone. I still cannot bear the disappearance of her father or the Mayor teasing him and giving him a glare." She places the picture down with a sigh before walking over to her Christmas tree. It's a Winter Wonderland tree because her daughter loving a Winter Wonderland feel. "If my family doesn't come back, I don't know how I can go on." The Christmas angel that the Grinch made for her in their youth sits on top of the Christmas tree. It's fixed.

"Oh, Mercy Grace," Kyle Ray sings.

"If only you come home."

"If only I could help him," Cindy Lou sings.

"Come home, Mercy Grace," he holds the Christmas ornaments that she made for him on their last Christmas together.

"If only Kyle and I were together, we'd be happy at last," Mercy Grace sings.

"Mercy Grace," he sings.

"If only you come back, and we'll celebrate the holiday," Martha May sings, holding a picture of her when she was five years old on the tree.

"I wish a Christmas miracle would come," Cindy Lou sings, pressing her small hand on the window.

"But Christmas is almost here, and I still can't get over my past," Mercy Grace sings, thinking about when the Mayor threw her into the chute.

"You're my one and only child in this land," Martha sings, getting ready for bed.

"If only a miracle could happen right now," Mercy Grace sings to a bright star.

"I am still feeling so low," Martha gets into bed.

"I'd give anything to make the Christmas spirit in the Grinch happen," Cindy Lou walks over to her bed.

"You'd always be my little girl inside of you like you were long ago," Martha opens a drawer next to her to pull out a small polar bear that is her daughter's first stuffed animal.

"How I wished our time at the Whobilation could have been so much fun," Kyle Ray sighs, crossing his arms and leaning against a wall of a building.

"Oh," Cindy Lou sings, pulling the covers over her body.

"I really wanted to be with Kyle Ray, but my father won't let me go," Mercy Grace sings sadly.

"If only," Kyle Ray sings.

"Oh, what I would give if only you could know," Mercy Grace, Cindy Lou, and Martha May sing together.

"When I tell her my feelings, our wedding will begin," Kyle Ray sings, placing his hand in his coat pocket to grip on something inside. "And all our dreams will come true, but now I'll never see her again."

"If only," Mercy Grace sings softly.

"If only," Cindy Lou sings softly, closing her eyes to sleep.

"If only," Martha May sings softly, closing her eyes to sleep as well.

A couple of hours later, the Grinch, Max, and Mercy Grace wait patiently for Santa to finish his time in Whoville. The father and daughter have binoculars to see better.

"Fat boy should be finishing up anytime now," the Grinch says. "Talk about a reduce," he places his down. "He only comes out once a year, and he never catches any flack for it!" he puts them back up.

"Probably lives up there to avoid the taxes, Daddy," Mercy Grace adds.

"Merry Christmas!" Santa tells the Whos before flying off.

"Oopsie," her father realizes something, putting his binoculars down. "Forgot about the reindeer!"

She places hers down.

"Did that stop the old Grinch? No. The Grinch simply said:"

"If I can't find a reindeer," he smiles while looking at Max. "I'll make one instead." He tries to grab him, but the family dog runs off. "Oh, Max.......!!!!!!!"

Max closes his door with "do not disturb!" on it.

"So he called his dog, Max, and he took some red thread and tied a big horn on top of his head."

Mercy Grace sits down on a chair, curious about how things will go with Max as our reindeer.

"Alright," The Grinch tells their dog with a different hat on. "You're a reindeer. Here's your motivation," he acts like a director. "You're Rudolph, a freak with a red nose, nobody likes. Then one day, Santa picks you, and you save Christmas. No, forget that part," he tells him. "We'll improvise. Just keep it kind of loosey-goosey. You hate Christmas! You're gonna steal it! Saving Christmas was a louse ending," her father sits down next to Mercy Grace with his hearing device. "Way too commercial. Action!" he says into the machine.

Max takes off his nose, making the Grinch excited.

"Brilliant! You reject your own nose because it represents the glitter of commercialism! Why didn't I think of that? Cut, print, check the gate. Moving on," he says, walking away, leaving his family confused.

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