How the Grinch Stole Christmas Part 9

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Chapter 9:

"So whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes, they stood outside their cave, sharing their hate with Whos."

Mercy Grace gives her father, the Who Phonebook.

The Grinch opens and speaks angrily, "Alphabetically. Aardvarkian Alabenezer Who....we HATE YOU!!" His scream echoes through the mountains, causing some birds to fly away. "Aaron B. Benon Who, we hate you," the Grinch says, calmly with a small smile. He shows the open book to both of them to see.

"Hate, hate, hate," Mercy Grace went through the list with an evil smirk. "Hate, hate, hate."

"Double date," he adds in.

Their eyes widen when they see the next name. "Loathe entirely!" they both said at the same time.

The teenage girl hears something in the distance. "'s their Whobilation!" she realizes it.

"She snarled with a sneer."

"Tomorrow is Christmas," the Grinch realizes it too. "It's practically here!"

Mercy Grace throws the phone book away when the Grinch calls for their pet for his sedative. "Now to take care of those pesky memories," he says to the large hammer before hitting him unconsciously.

Down in Whoville, every Who heads towards the celebration of the nomination. Each one is dressed in a theme related to either the Whobilation or the family theme of the Whobilation.

"Whobilation, plentiful with candy canes and pies. I can't wait to get here to eat some google fries: Whobilitation, Whobilation!" some Whos chant some Whobilation chants along the way.

Cindy Lou heads towards the celebration with her brothers and Father. Their theme's a picnic. A thought has been on her mind lately, and she thinks it is time to tell. "Dad?" she speaks up to him.

"Yea," he says, focusing on something in his hand instead.

"I've been thinking about the Whobilation, and I may do something drastic."

"That's fine, dear. Ask your mother," he's not paying attention.

She looks at where her mother was, but she's gone. "Where did she go?" that question got his attention.

"Honey!" Betty Lou Who runs towards them, smiling big and holding a traffic light. "Honey! Hi! Look, I just found the cutest light for my Christmas display." With the lack of a traffic light, an accident occurs behind them. "Hurry up. We're gonna be late. Come on," she says seriously, hurrying up the family.

Kyle Ray wears his finest black on black dress robes for the celebration as he escorts Martha up to the stand. He's there to make her feel comfortable.

"And now, the nominations for that Who among us. Who best typifies the qualities of Whodom and Whodery the Whoville holiday cheermeister!" Mayor May Who announces through the speakers, having everyone cheer. "Do I hear a nomination?"

"I nominate the Grinch!" Cindy Lou calls out.

Everyone is shocked to hear her say that as they look at her. Martha and Kyle Ray are the most surprised and impressed.

"My, my, my," Mayor May Who chuckles. "What an altruistic daughter you have there, Lou," he comments, not liking this.

"Thank you," Lou says.

"Cindy," May Who calls for her to come forward. She processes. "Let me quote a verse from "The Book of Who." He calls for the book which Kyle Ray gives him. "The term "Grinchy" shall apply when Christmas spirit is in short supply." He closes the book. "Now I ask you: Does that sound like our holiday cheermeister?"

"True, Mr. Mayor," the little girl speaks. "But The Book of Who, says this too: "No matter how different a Who may appear....he will always be welcomed with cheer"."

Everyone gets it by showing smiles.

"Yes, the book also says, the....." the Mayor looks through the book, looking for an excuse. " "The award cannot go the Grinch because sometimes things get the lead pipe crinch."

"You made that up!" she calls him out. "It doesn't say that."

The Whos look at the Mayor.

"No, it does," he acts all and stuff.

"What page?"

"Lost my place," he nervously lies, looking through the pages before giving the book to his assistant. "It's in here!"

"But the book does say: "The cheermeister is the one who deserves a back slap or a toast. And it goes to the soul at Christmas who needs it most". And I believe that soul is the Grinch. And if you're the Whos, I hope you are," Cindy Lou says to the Whos, turning around, "you will too."

The Whos see that the six-year-old girl is right.

"You people want to waste a perfectly good nomination why, it's up to you," Mayor May Who smiles, trying to get the Grinch out of the celebration. "But I am telling you the Grinch, and the Lady in Black will never come down."

Kyle Ray side-glares at his uncle.

"And when they don't, the Mayor will wear the crown," his assistant grins.

"Well, more or less," Mayor May Who finally agrees.

Everyone cheers at the nomination.

Kyle Ray's heart swells with emotion. Wherever the Grinch goes, the Lady in Black will be there at his side. So, if they do come down maybe, he can finally tell her his love for her.

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