Chapter 2

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Hi welcome back I am glad I got another chapter out before I left for the Holidays so for about one or two weeks I might not post another chapter but if I do It would be a great surprise. Again I do not own Naruto. Enjoy the Second chapter and sorry for the grammar and miss spellings. 

After everyone had finished taking their tests we were allowed to leave. Everyone in the class passed so tomorrow we will get or teams. Nova already know that it will have Naruto who is two clan heirs although he doesn't know, because he really only trusts a few people and Nova is one of them so if she wasn't there he probably not act well. On the way home Naruto and Nova went to get some dinner and while they past villagers they whispered about them and shrunk back away from them. A couple years before a villager attacked them but Nova had fought back breaking a hand, and a leg. The villagers now only whispered about Nova mostly and a little about Naruto. There was also a rumor that she was a angle with wings even though they can't prove it. Nova had noticed her wings every once an a while would have red tips. She brushed it off thinking it was from the blood from her enemys. No one could prove she had wings because anyone who saw them had died. After their amazing Ramen and they were at home Nova slumped on the couch followed by Naruto who fell on top of her making her grunt. "Naruto! Don't sit on me." She tried pushing the blonde off and she gave him one last hard push and he toppled to the floor. "But Nova...I want to. If you don't I will watch you sleep." Nova had once caught him watching her while she slept and it creeped her out. She sighed then nodded causing the blonde to jump up with joy and fall back onto Nova. He soon fell asleep falling sideways onto Nova even more. She got comfertable and than stroked her little brothers hair until she fell asleep. In the morning she got up and made some eggs and bacon trying to let Naruto sleep. She had felt him moving all night. When breakfeast was done she woke him up and then ate. When they walked into class it was loud like always. Naruto and Nova walked over to the desk they always sat at. Sasuke came and sat next to Nova when he spotted her in the class. She rolled her eyes and ingnored him. Some girls were yelling at Nova and Naruto about ingnoring Sasuke and Naruto sitting next to him while also looking at the boy everyonce in a while to see if he was looking. When Iruka-sensei finally got to the class a quited them down he called out the teams. "Team 7... it will have twwo ANBU in it wow. Umm Team 7..... Nova Black, Naruto Uzamakie (Sorry spelled wrong)." Naruto jumped up cheering while Nova smilled. "Also Sasuke Uchiha run by Kakashi Hatake." Nova's smile faded along with every girl who didn't have a team but for a different reason. Naruto calmed down but was still happy. Sasuke smiled inside for Nova being on his team. Iruka listed all the other names and then left while everyone waited for their team leaders. Of course Kakashi was late. Naruto put a black board eraser inbetween the door. Sasuke sighed while Nova knew he would fall for it but was still hoping he wouldn't. Kakashi walked in the door with the eraser hitting his head making Naruto laugh, Sasuke sigh and Nova try to hold in a laugh. "First impression of you guys.....your different and dislikeable. Meet me on the roof in 5 min." He disapeared and then Nova and Naruto walked out too. 

"Let me have you introduce yourselves." Here was silence. "I guess I will go first. My name is Naruto Uzamakie I like Ramen, my big sisters and Jiji. I dislike drunks and bad people." "My name is Nova Black I like food, my little brother and big sister, I dislike drunks and people who hurt my family." "My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I like things and dislike things, and I will kill a certain som-" "We don't care you want to kill your brother for mudering your entire clan. We have heard you say it before so shut up about it." Everyone looked at Nova like she had killed someone. "What?" "Nova! You can't say stuff like that and how did you know it was his brother?" Kakashi was screaming.  "This kid won't stop saying 'I will kill a certain someone.' in a dark and broody mood. It got old." They watched her in silence. "Okay...... I guess that's it. Traning ground 7 at 7, don't eat. Right Kakashi?" Kakashi came out of his shock and went into another before nodding. 'How did she know that?' 

The next day Naruto and Nova went to the training ground and they sat against a tree and fell asleep. They woke up from a grunt. Nova looked up to see a dark haired boy watching us. "What are you doing? Kakashi won't be here for about two hours go fall asleep or something." She shooed him away and he left. About two hours later Kakashi woke them up. "Sorry I-" "Stop. We all know your explanation will be fake." Kakashi nodded and then explained the test. (I don't want to and not good at righting fight sences but it is prety much the same but Naruto and Nova work together. Kakashi explains they need to work with everyone. Naruto is tied to a poll and Nova feeds him lunch and sasuke kind of does passing them all.) 

It has been a couple weeks and they have been doing multiple d rank missions and getting teird of it. "Jiji why can't we get a higher ranking mission I think we are ready." 

"One I was just about to ask the same thing in a more dramatic way so crazy and two I agree." Lord Third thought for a second then nodded. "I guess. We have a light C-rank mission. You should be able to handle it. Send him in. Yiu will be esscourting him to his village and staying there until a bridge is done." A old drunk man walked in the room. "These kids are supposed to protect me? The short one, he looks dumb, the moody one, he looks depressed, the girl, actually she might be fine." Naruto started to shake. A drunk. He was afraid of drunks after what happened to him. Nova put her arms around Naruto leading him out of the room. "Come on I think he is fine. I guess." Nova stopped and turned to face him while Naruto was looking down. "It's not because of that. It's because of that." Nova pointed to the bottle of Sake and the old man looked at it then at Naruto. "We will be there in a hour." Then gone. "What happened to the kid to make him afraid of Sake."  "Nothing good and nothing you need to know but maybe try not to drink around him if you want two less people helping to defend you. If Naruto goes down his sister goes down with him." "May I ask why she does?"   "Because she loves him, he is her family, he is the one of the only people she can trust." They all left the room going to their houses and getting ready. Naruto and Nova were waiting for their team at the gates when their team came. The dropped down from the tree and walked out with the group. Naruto and Nova were in the front of the group while Kakashi and Tazuan (I think that is his name so that is what I will call him please tell me if I am wrong)  Sasuke following behind thinking. Nova was talking when she saw a puddle. It hadn't rained in days and there is a puddle. Her sudden stop made everyone stop and watch her. She dropped two kuni's in the puddle makeing the demon brothers come out. They each had a Kuni in their shoulder. "Are you serious kid. You will pay for what you did." They threw a punch only to get caught by her. They look at her and she smiles. "I am so hurt that you guys don't remember me." She smirked and it clicked in their heads. "Nova-sama. We are sorry we didn't know you would be here. We will go now." She let go of them and turned back to her team letting them walk away. "Why did you let them go? We don't know who they were targeting." Kakashi was frustrated and confused. "Well I know they weren't attacking you, definitely not them and they could never come after me. That means they are after him." "Why did they run away and called you sama."   "Well I's none of your business." Naruto moved closer to her looking at her with sorrow. Instead of saying anything he walked past her and kept moving. "Naruto......I will tell you later but I just don't want to openly talk about stuff. Naruto...please say something." Naruto stopped and turned toward her with his head down. He looked up. "You will tell me though right?"   "Of course I will I promise. I will tell you soon."  Sasuke walked closer with everyone else and asked "why can't we know?" She turned toward them and looked at them like they were stupid. "Because I don't like you, also I don't trust you. Also it's none of your god damn business. Why are you guys so pushy?" She walked next to Naruto putting her arm around his shoulders. They walked for a while more in silence. After a while Nova felt a familiar chakra. She smiled at who it was. She threw a Kuni at a bunny that was white and then a few seconds later Zabuza appeared. Kakashi got into a fighting stance while everyone else went to protect the builder. Nova ran toward Zabuza but not like she was a taking. "Nova wait he is da-" he was cut off by Nova hugging the man and him smiling and hugging back. "Nova is that you? OMG I missed you so much. You got taller. Haku come on out." Another person came next to them tackling Nova to the ground Naruto skipped next to Nova taking her by the hand. "You must be Naruto. I heard a lot about you." "You have?" They both nodded and he shook their hands. After a nice chat they left leaving them to their journey. When they got to Tauzans house they went and got rooms. Naruto and Nova shared with Saukra while Kakashi and Sasuke slept in the same room. Sasuke was afraid that Sakura was going to do some thing at night. Nova and Naruto shared a bed since there was only two. They went down to have dinner and then came back and slept. In the morning there was a loud bang so everyone rushed out of their rooms to see what it was. 

"What is it wha-"  

Angle and Demon- (Naruto fanfiction) (Do not own Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now