Troublesome girls and the students protest

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Naruto POV

The PTB become famous at school. The Slytherins soon learn that you don't mess with Gryffindors unless you want to be prank. Of course, Draco Malfoy and his followers didn't seem to understand that. While I and all the rest of PTB like to do pranks, we also study hard. The only profesor who was an ass, was Snape. He hate Harry, to the point that he reduce him points for asking a question!. He knew we were the PTB and he hated us for that. He call Harry arrogant for no reasons at all and I was starting to get pissed at that. Not only the Gryffindors were a victim of Snape, though. The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were also angry. One time he reduced points just  because a Ravenclaw sneezed loudly close to him. That student lost 10 points just for that!.

"I have an idea" I said to my friends "on how to stopped Snape once and for all"

"We gonna prank him?" Asked Ron

"Bad idea" said Harry "that bat would want to expell us even if we just changed his hair color like we did to Goyle"

"No prank" I said seriously "remember the book I show you?"

"The one we discovered we are cousin's?" Asked Harry. I nodded "what about it?"

"Well, I discovered that we are descendants of Godric gryffindor" I said "now, I don't want the school to kiss our asses or anything but we are his descendants, we may have some power to stop him"

"Well, one way to find out"  said Neville "let's go to Dumbledore and we can also tell him of what you find out"

"Let's go then" I said. Just when we were about to go, we were surprised to see Hermione and the girls of our year waiting for us. They look annoyed for some reason

"Uh oh" said Seamus "they look angry"

"I wonder why" said Ron "we didn't do anything to them"

"So, you are the PTB" said Hermione

"So, your the descendants of Gryffindor" said Lavander pointing at Harry and me"

"Where are you going without us?" Asked Parvati. We turn around and started to have a silent conversation between us.

"Do we let them join us?" I asked

"Hermione is pissed" said Ron "I said yes"

"Girls are troublesome" I said "so I vote yes"

"I agree with Naruto" said Seamus

"Like Ron said, the more the merrier" said Dean

"We are together in this" said Harry "they are our year mates". We turn around to face them.

"Yes, you can join us" I said "we are going to talk to Dumbledore about Snape's behavior. He is a horrible teacher and unfair to everyone except the snakes"

"Wait, I have a better idea" said Hermione "what if we did a student protest?. We talk to all those angry with him and then we refused to pass classes with him"

"That could work" said Harry "let's do it!. We have rights and Snape is a horrible teacher!"

"What are you talking about?" Asked Fred

"We want to initiate a protest against Snape" said Ron

"We are tired of his way of teaching" said Neville angry

"We are tired too!" Said Lee, friend of the twins

"Yeah" said a fifth year "because of that bat I may never became an auror!"

"We are tired of him favorite the snakes!" Said a seventh year

"Let's go to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws" I said "the more the merrier!"

A ninja who choose to be a wizard: book 1 HPSSWhere stories live. Discover now