Chapter 8

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Sato Y/N

I took a cold shower to calm me down. My heart was racing crazily and my face was as red as tomato. Twenty minutes later I stepped out of the shower, pretty much calmed down.

I was contemplating whether I should go and watch movie with them or go back to sleep when someone one knocked on my door. 

Two knocks later, Kenma walked inside.

"Are you done?" He asked and I nodded.

"Let's go then" He said and I followed him like puppy.

Kenma was sitting in between me and Kuroo so it was less awkward. Well more like I made him. We were watching Insidious. I was half asleep when I heard kenma talking to Kuroo.

"Just like always she fell asleep" He said.

 I wanted to tell him I wasn't asleep but my eyes weren't opening nor was my mouth moving.

"Do you want to continue watching or?" Kuroo asked kenma.

"Nah. I'll play games instead." Kenma told him and kuroo hummed. I heard the sound of TV turning off.

"Can you take her to her room? I don't have energy or will to carry her next door" Kenma said and I wanted to beat him.  

I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't. Tiredness was taking toll on me.

"Yeah. I'll take her" Kuroo agreed. I heard him jump off the bed and walk to my side. He put one of his arm under my knees and other on my back as he carried me effortlessly. The smell of cedarwood and the mint bodywash filled my nostrils as I leaned my head against his chest.

He put me on the bed and covered me with comforter. I heard the Ac beeping as he lowered the temperature of room.

"Sleep tight Y/N" He whispered and kissed my forehead before leaving.

As he left, my eyes shot open as my heart racing crazily. Shit why is he doing things that are giving me mixed signals??  That abs incident and now this kiss? 

I slept around 2 after waking up from that forehead kiss. I am sure he didn't mean anything. It was just a goodnight kiss and I am reading too much into it.

"Y/N are you up? It's already 11 am" I heard Kuroo ask.

"Yes. Give me 10 minute. I'll be there" I yelled back.

After freshening  up, I walked downstairs to See Kenma sitting on the dining table and Kuroo Cooking pancakes.

"Where's your mom?" I asked kenma as I took a seat across him.

"She went to hangout with her friends. She'll be back tomorrow" Kenma informed me and I nodded.

"Apple syrup for Kenma and Chocolate syrup for Y/N" Kuroo announced as he placed the plates of pancakes infront of us.

"Are you not eating?" I asked Kuroo.

"Why? Is Y/N-chan concerned about me? Did your feelings for me finally came back?" He asked jokingly but I couldn't help but get mad.

"In your dreams douchebag. My feelings for you are long gone" I stated.

"That's sad then" He shrugged his shoulders.

I just gave him a glare and continued eating my breakfast.

"Are you ready to go? Bokuto said they'd be here by anytime now" Kuroo asked me and Kenma. After breakfast, Kuroo got a text from Bokuto asking if we'd like to join them at the beach so we're going there.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Y/N it's nice to see you again" Bokuto came running to me, pulling me into a hug.

"Same here" I smiled as I hugged him back.

"No more cast. We can go for a date now" He grinned as he pulled back the hug.

"I'm disappointed Brokuto, how could you leave me" Kuroo said as he walked in between me and Bokuto.

"Kubro. My man" He pulled Kuroo in a hug. Akaashi and Kenma were silent after greeting each other. 

It was just me, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto and Akaashi. Rest of our friends were back somewhere travelling with their families or friends.

After an hour of ride, We were finally at Kamakura beach. The warmth of sand by foot made me smile in ecstasy.

"It's the Sea" I yelled in excitement as I ran towards the sea after changing into my swimsuit.

"Y/N wait for me" I heard Bokuto and Kuroo yell but I was too excited to listen to then. I walked into water and squealed in glee as I felt the warm water on my skin. It has been so long since I've swam in sea.

I was swimming just fine until I got cramp on my foot which was recently broken. Bokuto came for my rescue. He swam with me back to beach.

"Oi. Y/N it has just been 10 days since you removed your cast. How could you go for swim? Do you even know how dangerous it was??"  Kuroo the nagger started nagging me like grandma.

"Kuroo stop. My feet is hurting and now you're giving me headache from your nags " I said as I sat down.

"Why do I even bother with you" Kuroo shook his head and walked away.

"Kuroo really loves to nag" Kenma said as Kuroo left.

"I know right. reminds me Karen." I agreed.  " I feel bad for his grandkids" I added .

" Hey! don't be so mean to Kubro. He said that for your own good" Bokuto defended kuroo.

"Here comes other one" I and Kenma sighed simultaneously. 

Meanwhile Kuroo came with the ointment for cramp. " Sit straight! I'll put it on you" he said and applied ointment on leg.

"You're not swimming so wear this shirt" He said and passed me oversized shirt.

"It's too big. I wanted to show off my bikini though" I pouted.

"Just put it on already" He said and I sighed before obliging. It was like a tshirt dress on me.

I stayed with Kenma while three of them went for swim. I may/ may not  have snapped picture of  chocolate abs of Akaashi and Bokuto.

"hey do you guys want to go for trip?" I asked the guys as we had lunch in near by restaurant. 

"Trip? where to? how long?" Bokuto asked. I could tell by his tone that he was excited.

"Places we can discuss. Does anyone of you have driving license?" I asked them.

"Yes I do" Bokuto raised his hand.     

"Cool. So are you in?" I looked at the rest.

"I guess. We don't have anything better to anyways" Kenma said and Akaashi agreed.

"What about you?" I looked at kuroo.

"Ofcourse I am coming. I can't leave your clumsy ass alone" kuroo said and I rolled my eyes at his statement. This cat never fails to put me down.

Mission: Avoid First love  (Kuroo x Fem!Reader x Slight!Kagami)Where stories live. Discover now