Chapter 24

363 8 3

Sato Y/N

I woke up lightheaded and an IV drip needle was inserted into my vein.  All I remember is Tetsu confessing and I agreed to be his girlfriend and the we kissed and I passed out.

Why is there Needle inserted in me? Am I dying??

I sat straight and was about to move when I realized Kuroo was holding my other hand as Kuroo lay his head on the bed. 

Not trying to wake them up I took my phone and saw the date it was (date). [Put whatever date you want. Like in 2021 you could be in high school so it's 2031. Well yeah any date]

So I am back at the present. 

Was me going to high school for the second time a dream? Or an alternate reality?  Before I could figure things out; Kuroo woke up.

"Thank god you're awake. You gave me scare of my life" He exclaimed as he pulled me into hug.

"So it wasn't a dream?" I asked and he stared at me weirdly.

"What?"  he tilted his head.

"How did I end up here and Are we dating?" I asked as I scratched my neck feeling a bit weird to ask that question.

"You got in an accident and we're not dating" Kuroo said and then it hit me; It was all a freaking dream. I knew it! It was too good to be true.

Ofcourse It's always Kuroo and Tsubaki. What was I even expecting?

I took a deep breathe as I tried to process the reality.  That dream felt so real though. Should I just go back to sleep?

I was busy in my own monologue  that I didn't realize I was crying because of the reality.

"Oi Why are you crying?" Tetsu said as he wiped my tears.

"I don't know." I started crying more.

"Stop crying" He pulled me into hug as he rubbed my back.

I pulled back because it's wrong. He has married Tsubaki and I definitely have feelings left for him. It is wrong in all ways.

"What happened?" He asked as I pulled back.

"Didn't you get married?" I asked and he nodded with a weird expression plastered on his face.

"You should go back home. She won't like it. I am fine now" I told him.

"What? who?" He titled his head.

"Your wife obviously" I pointed and he narrowed his eyes.

"You're definitely not feeling okay. I'll go and get the doctor" He said as he stood up.

"I got into accident on my way to your and Tsubaki's wedding right?" I asked for confirmation.

"Whose wedding?" He asked as if I had said something so ridiculous.

"You and Tsubaki" I repeated.

"Y/N let me really get a doctor. You're definitely not well" He said in a concerned tone.

"So you're not married to Tsubaki?" I asked and he shook his head.

Okay I am really confused now? So we're not dating neither is he married to Tsubaki. So who the hell is his wife?

"I swear you'll be the first wife who assumes her husband is married to some other girl" Tetsu said and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Wife? ME?" I asked; still processing it.

"Yes my silly wife. We've been married for two years now." He said and my heart skipped a beat.

"But you said we were not dating?" I remarked.

"We're married not dating? Do I have to google the meanings for you?" He said face palming.

"How much did you drink last night that you got yourself into accident and don't even remember we're married. I am really going to get hurt now" He said as he sat beside.

"We're married. See" He said as he took my hand into his; showing me the rings we both had in our ring fingers.

"So you and I are married? Not you and Tsubaki?" I asked for confirmation. Because if he say sike  and says it was all a prank; I'll cry real bad.

"Yes you forgetful drunkard. We're the one that got married that too, two years ago" He said as he hit my forehead.

"You don't know how happy I am" I said as I pulled him to hug; burying my face into his chest.

"As you should be" He hugged me back as tightly.

We were in middle of our cuddle session when the doctor knocked on the door and walked inside; followed by the Nurse.

She was doing the basic checkup and asking me basic questions after Tetsu told her I couldn't recognize him after I woke up.

"She seems fine. The memory loss is probably temporary. The accident must've messed up some part of her brain. She'll probably be fine by the end of the week so don't worry too much" She told Tetsu and he nodded.

"Can I go home?" I asked her as she about to leave. She nodded and told nurse to prepare the discharge documents.

"I've decided" Tetsu said after the nurse left removing the needle of IV drop.

"What?" I turned to him.

"No more drinking for you. I can't have you pass out and forget about me again" He said in all seriousness.

I just gave him a small smile as I nodded.

"Just a smile won't work. Promise me" He said as he held out his pinky.

"I promise I won't drink anymore" I laughed as I intertwined his pinky.

"You better keep it" He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Yes I'll" I said as I hugged him.  

As long as you're mine that's all that matters. I don't care what happened or could've happened cause this is the reality and I'll live with it.

----------------------------------------> THE END<------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: (So yeah basically she ended back in past and change in events in past caused the change in reality of present so they ended up together)

I always wanted to write these kind of story so here it is.

Thank you so much for reading <3<3

Do check out my Suna Fanfic <3

Mission: Avoid First love  (Kuroo x Fem!Reader x Slight!Kagami)Where stories live. Discover now