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~A Ball and a stolen kiss~

 A few hours later, the sun was still shining and the castle calmed down a bit, but at every corner gossips about the new-comers were talked. In the mean time, Elizabeth just finished her doctor's check and was really happy to find out that nothing was wrong with her and she probably fainted because of the heat.

"Yes, the heat, nothing more." thought Elizabeth as she was looking through her clothes, trying to find a suitable dress for the ball.

"I think the blue one will fit you the best, it makes your eyes stand out." said Christine looking outside, standing at the window, with her head on the cold stone wall.

"Yes, I was thinking about it too." Elizabeth told her folding a red dress back in a trunck. "Are you alright?" she asks her concerned.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" she moved from the window, coming next to her older sister. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow and wanted to say something, when the door opened and a knight stepped in looking nervous.

"Your Highness, there is someone outside the door who wants to see you immediately."

"Whoever is there, he can wait." Elizabeth said stern "Now Christie please tell me what's bothering you." she said in a softer voice looking to her younger sister.

"Your Highness, but-" insisted the knight but the two sisters didn't hear him.

"Fine, go and see who is the disperate persone and we will talk after" said Elizabeth, pushing her sister by her shoulders outside the room.

The knight hurried after them, surprised by their behaviour.

Christine was laughing at her sister who was behind her, when she collided with something, or better say with someone.

"Oh- Your Majesty!" exclaimed Christine, looking up the the tall man in front of her. Her sister tried her best to hold her laughs and mumbled something to Christine, before returning to the room they just left. "I wasn't expecting you here."

"I came here because I want to give you this." Edward chuckled, but his eyes were still on the now empty place, where Elizabeth was before, offering the young archduchess a package. "I know you are worried that your dresses are too different from the ones here, so I ordered the royal tailor to make you this dress."

When his hands brushed against hers, Christine felt chills running down her back. She looked in his green eyes and thanked him, taking the dress.

"Are you sure? You barely met me and now you got me a dress?"

"Of course I am sure. I can't wait to see you tonight." Edward said in a low but soft voice.

Christine smiled at him and returned to her chamber where her sister was waiting for her.

"C'mon, Christie, tell me why he wanted to see you so urgently!" Elizabeth jumped from her chair and runned to her sister looking at the package from her hands.

"Well..." began the young girl with a bright smile. "He gave me this dress because he said he knows I am worried that my dresses are too different."

"That is so sweet. Open it!"

Christine slowly moved her long fingers around the package, opening it. She raised up for her sister to see too, a beautiful deep emerald dress.

"It's so pretty, but something doesn't sound alright." said the older girl looking around to make sure they were alone.

"What do you mean?" asked her sister raising an eyebrow.

"I mean that he barely met you and he gives you this dress. And think a bit, a dress like this can't be made in half a day. You talked to him this morning and by afternoon he had the dress done. Something is missing here."

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