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~Even more Surprises~

8th June 1462

It's been a few days since the three archduchesses have been in England, and they started to get accustomed to the English Court, it's atmosphere and people. Christine tried her best to show the people that she was suit for the role she was arranged by her uncle to take, but most importantly was trying to keep her elder sister away from her future husband. Edward was constantly trying to talk to Elisabeth, staring at her every time the two of them were in the same room, and this things didn't get unnoticed only by Christine, but by all the court, who was gossiping at every chance they got. 

Elisabeth on the other hand, couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards the king, but she also loved her sister and knew that that wasn't comfortable for her and was doing what she could to avoid the king when her sister was around, but when she wasn't, Elisabeth enjoyed the king's attention, still keeping her distance though. 

"I'm done with it, I wanna elope!" Christine exclaimed as she entered the room where her two sisters were crocheting.

"What? But I thought you wanted to be Queen of England?" Josepha asked confused.

"I know, I know, but not anymore. I realized that I love Charles more than I want to be queen. I don't care about a title, I'm going to spend my life with him."

"I'm happy for you that you decided what you want." Elisabeth said, leaving the embroidery down and hugging her sister. "It was really upsetting to see you so sad because of the king and the attention he gave me."

"Now we don't have to worry about it anymore. You are free to marry him." Christine replied, hugging her back.

"But do you think that papa will let you marry Charles?" their youngest sister interrupted.

"I know he won't. That's why I made a plan." Christine sighed. She broke the hug and moved to the window. Outside the sky was clear and sunny and happy voices could be heard from the gardens. "But it's not the time yet, to tell you two about it."

"We respect your decision, but I hope your plan is a safe one and-" Elisabeth tried saying to her sister.

"Cut the motherly speech off, Lisa. I am 16, old enough to make my own good decisions." Christine interrupted her annoyed. Josepha put her embroidery away too and was listening to the conversation between her sisters, wanting to step in, but not sure how to do so.

"Fine, I just don't want you to end up dead in a groove. Is it too much to ask?" the eldest replied angrily.

A knock at the wooden door, calmed the fight that was about to start between them.

"My ladies, the Duchess of York has asked for your presence in her chambers." Caroline told them, entering the room and making a quick bow.

"We will be there shortly, thank you Caroline." Elisabeth assured her, taking a deep breath and leaving the room.

"Lisa, wait!" Josepha called for her older sister, leaving the room after her.

"Did something happen, my lady?" Caroline asked the only sister left in the room. Christine moved her attention from the window, to the lady in waiting and gave her a small smile.

"Just sisters problems, nothing important."

"Oh then, you should hurry to catch your sisters. I heard the Duchess doesn't like to wait."

"She'll have to get used to if she's going to have an archduchess as daughter in law." Christine said, leaving the room.

Caroline remained behind, moving to arrange the broderies, thinking of what she just heard. It was strange, Elisabeth was known to arrive late, not Christine.

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