Prolonge: Jessie

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Hello, my name is sergeant Jessie Whitlock, sister of Major Jasper Whitlock, we are the most feared vampires in the south, we are indeed vampires, but we weren't always vampires though. We were riding our horses back from Galveston after evacuating a colony of women and children, when we came across three women, Jasper and I both mounted our respected horses only to greet them and look at the three women. The three women had blood red eyes, they were named Maria, Lucy and Nettie.

"What's your names soldiers?" Maria asked

"Major and sergeant Jasper and Jessie Whitlock ma'am" Jasper replies

"I hope you two survive, you two could be of great use to me" she says

She bit us , as we were laying on the ground writhing in pain for three days. Three days later, Jasper and I woke up, Me in my new Commander outfit and Jasper in his Major outfit the army gave us. Jasper's ability of an empath, and my abilities of being an empath as well as, control over the weather served her well .

As I refused to use my gifts, Maria would have Diego to Rape and beat me, whenever she was "busy" with Jasper (good thing vampires cant have kids), leaving me not trusting men or woman, the only person I trusted was Jasper for a long time. Meanwhile Jasper and I trained her newborns, throughout training, Jasper and I had bite marks up and down our arms, legs, and back.

After a couple decades of fighting in the south for territory, we found a young boy in said army, his name was Peter, we were charged with killing newborns that have reached their year mark, but it got worst because Jasper and I could feel everything they felt. When we get to said newborns there was a young lady by the name of Charlotte, and we saw how Peter stood in front of her protectively and Jasper and I told them to run and they did.

As years past Peter came back to get Jasper and I out of Maria's army and we left with him Slowly I began to trust them and we lived with them for a few years. I slowly fell into depression and decided to go off on my own, I went to a black and white party, there I saw a thousand people, I soon came across a human whos blood called out to me and later I found out that it was called a blood singer. I drained him.

I ran home to my brothers and sister after that (yes Peter and Charlotte are sired to Jasper and Jessie as they were the ones that turned them). i shut myself down after that, i didn't talk, the only person I did talk to was Jasper. (yes peter has a gift of knowing shit and char has a gift to, hers is she's a siren). Peters knower went off

"Jasper, Jessie , ya two need to go to a diner in Philadelphia" peter says

i look at him and raise an eyebrow questing him saying let me guess your 'knower' told you that, stupid yoda'

"that's were Jasper meets his mate to lead him and you to a family " Peter replies to my questioning look

"What abou' y'all?" Jasper questions

"We will be fine major, do not worry, an' ya and Jessie can visit" Charlotte and Peter both say. i sigh

Charlotte and i hug each other while jasper and Peter hug

"Major, sergeant " Char and Peter both say

"Captain, leuitent" Jasper says as i nod my head after we left Peter and Char, we ran to Philadelphia to the diner that peter told us about

"Jasper, Jessie right" a pixie like woman asks

"Yes ma'am that's us" jasper says in his southern accent

"I saw you two coming, my name is Alice, by the way there's another way to live" Alice says

"excuse my sister, she doesn't talk much and she doesn't trust easily"jasper says

"Its alright" Alice says

I whispered my question to Jasper as I was confused

"My sister was wondering about this new way of life" jasper chuckles

"Certainly, there's a coven leader by the name of Carlisle Cullen, and he lives with his wife Esme Cullen and three children, Edward, Rosalie and Emmett, they all live in forks Washington " Alice says as she touches jasper s hand and they feel sparks

so, we all run to Washington and im still tense not trusting people other than Jasper for now. As we get there the family is waiting on the porch and i hide behind Jasper, Jasper chuckles

"My apologizes my name is Jasper an' this is ma sister Jessie, she doesn't trust easily, she mainly just trusts me for now, she is tryin' though" jasper says

"its alright, my name is Carlisle and this is my mate and wife Esme and these are our children Emmett, Rosalie and Edward" Carlisle replies

we soon go on a hunt with the family, i still do not trust the family completely, or myself to be alone so i go with Jasper and i attack a mountain lion and a few deer, but i almost attacked two humans and used my gifts. we got home and i went upstairs to my new room and looked around and stayed in my study

The major and his sister: Midnight The Sergeant part 1Where stories live. Discover now