"Nothing," Thor chuckled.

Though it was clear that he was a bit worried there for a second.

Bruce looked to Natasha and motioned towards Mjolnir, "And Widow?"

"Oh, no, no, no, that's not a question I need answered," the assassin pointed out. And she couldn't be swayed otherwise to try as she took a drink of beer.

"Mirage?" Maria asked. All eyes fell on the agent, who hummed in interest at the request. "You're the only one left."

"I'm with Nat on this one," the young woman said. "I already know the answer Mjolnir will give me."

"You sure?" Thor asked. He was kind of intrigued to see her try.

"Positive. Besides, I'm comfortable here."

She snuggled into his side to further drive home the point. The prince didn't complain, tugging her closer into him. Thankfully, no one continued to press the matter when Tony spoke up,

"All deference to the Man Who Wouldn't Be King, but it's rigged."

"You bet your ass," Clint agreed.

"Steve, he said a bad language word," Maria tattled with a grin, pointing at the archer.

A heavy sigh escaped the Captain's lips, head ducking for a second before shooting a look at the billionaire, "Did you tell everyone about that?"

But the man ignored the question, "The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code? 'Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints', is, I think, the literal translation."

"Yes, it's a very, very interesting theory," Thor confirmed. Standing, Anya gave a slight pout missing the comfort he offered. "I have a simpler one."

They all waited in anticipation when the Asgardian gripped the handle of Mjolnir, lifting it easily. He flipped it in hand to show off, throwing a smirk at the others and stated,

"You're all not worthy."

The group groaned in reply while Anya snickered. They should've expected that. Though that didn't seem to deter them as they continued to pry for more answers.

Feedback screeched through the speaker system in the room suddenly. They flinched from the noise, faces screwing up and covering their ears due to the onslaught. It cut out just as quickly as it began, a look of confusion shared between the team. They'd turned the music off nearly an hour ago. What triggered the system to do that?

"Wor... thy..." a voice groaned.

It belonged to none of them, looking towards the elevators over the couches. Something stood there hunched over, struggling to move. It hadn't been there before. As it shifted into the light all could clearly see it took the form of a half-made Iron Man suit. One from the Legion in the process of being repaired just a floor below.

"No." It turned to face them with glowing blue eyes. "How could you be worthy? You're all killers."

"Stark," Steve spoke tensely. The whole room was on edge from this party crasher. The Captain stood alongside Tony, Thor, and Bruce. The Asgardian moved slightly in front of Anya in a protective manner.

"J.A.R.V.I.S.," Tony called out. But no answer came from the AI. It left the group blind to what was going on.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep," the suit apologized. "Or I was a-dream."

"Reboot Legionnaire OS," the billionaire muttered under his breath. Holding up a pocket screen he looked for the system to comply. "We got a buggy suit."

Book 3: Chimera [Thor]Where stories live. Discover now