I'm genuinely surprise that our principal just said that to us, turning my head towards Sebastian I let out a soft chuckle when I saw him blushing up to the tips of his ears.

How adorable..

"A key huh? Where do you want to bring me now, eh Sebby?" I grin seductively at him.

"....if you want we can go there now..." He murmur softly and I almost choke on my spit when I heard him. "But if you don't want to.. We can go another time..." He abruptly add as his cheeks turn a couple shades of red.

A smile tug on my lips as I intertwined our fingers together. "Lead the way..."



I'm in heaven...

I'm still smiling widely when I arrive at the pack house. But it slowly vanished when I saw the look my friends were giving me while they all stop goofing around and gave me their undevided attention.

"Crap Sebastian you stink! What have you done to the boy poor now, eh?'' Seth snicker. Kody and the others just laugh at me.

"Its a secret..." I stated cheekily.

"Tsk, poor boy. How is he faring after you fuck him.." Kody exclaim wiggling his eyebrows at me. My cheeks flushed as an embarrassing thoughts came in my mind..

"I didn't have sex with him, you dumbass!" I huff, earning collective laughters from all of my friends.

"Son, I need to talk to you.." A gruff voice stop us from our tracks. Turning around I saw my father standing at the doorway and he is sporting a scowl in his face.

Uh huh... What did I do now??

"Later guys..." I grumble as I walk over my father. Then he led me to his office.

The tension rose up as he sit down on his chair. I gulp when I saw him eyed me menacingly.

"I heard from Arthur Reed that her daughter told him that you kiss a human boy in public. I don't care if you love him or you want to fuck him but don't let our family's honor drag down with your own dirt! You're making the family look bad with you and that is something I won't tolerate! I already told you that I want you marry that girl and that is final!" His voice boom all over the room but I didn't flinch as I look at him hatefully.

"No! I'm not going to be your bitch father! And I won't let you do anything as you please with my own life! I am my own person and I'm gonna do whatever I like!!" I snap loudly, then he's eyes suddenly flashed gold as he growl at me. But a couple of minutes his eyes soften as he look at me tearfully.

"No you're not, because if you do a lot of people will going to get hurt including the boy that you love..."

My eyes widen as I look at him confusedly. "What do you mean dad..."

"An unknown enemy is getting near us and I believed that they are going to be a major threat not only to us but to the humans too. I've done everything I can to stop it, believe me son..but I can't. We didn't even know who they are, and I'm afraid that they will might empower us. Thankfully the Red Moon Pack agreed to form an alliance to us.."

"Yes they agreed but on the condition that I will marry their youngest child, Jasmine.." I spat bitterly.

The tears are slowly cascading on my cheeks as if my heart is breaking slowly. I look at my father and I saw how his face aged for the past weeks.

This problem is taking a toll to all of us. And I can't seem to get away from it all. Fully knowing that if I choose Rafael I'm letting my pack members down and if I choose Jasmine... I don't want to think about it. God, I can't...

I slowly slid down the door I'm leaning on as sobs rock my entire body..

"I'm sorry, Rafael..." My father murmur, and I felt him hug me.

I clung to him, and I began to bawl my eyes out. I felt my world crashing down. My heart is breaking into tiny little pieces. And I don't know if I could put it back together.


"Son, come on.. Its already morning and you need to go to school." My mom's gentle voice said as she shakes my body but I didn't stir even though I'm already awake. Or rather I can't even sleep.

"Sebastian wake up, we need to talk." My father suddenly demand.

Rolling out of my bed, I glare at my father as I look at him. "And what do you want to say to me now huh, father dearest!" I spat angrily.

My mom's eyes widen as she look at us. "Sebastian Grey Silvester don't you dare talk to your father that way!"

"Its fine Silvia, go on. I will talk to him alone.." My dad state as he gently stir my mom towards the door and slowly close it.

I lean my back at the headrest of the bed and cross my arms in front of my chest and look at my father defiantly.

"And what do you want to tell me dad?" I spat.

He let out a sigh and sat down at one of the chair in front of me. "I know that you're angry but please hear me out first okay.." He start.

"Well, after our talk last night I decided to cancel your wedding with the Jasmine of the Red Moon Pack."

My ears perk up after he said that, and slowly crawl at the side of the bed near him. "Really??"

He chuckle a bit, then he stood up and ruffle my hair. "I don't want to see you hurting Seb, and honestly I think that it will be better if its like this. But you should think that he is not your mate, and you should remember that he will only get hurt if he become a part of our lives."

He's words didn't fully register in my mind. I just knew that I'm happy that he finally accepted what I feel foe Rafael. And for now, that's more than enough. "Thank you dad!"

"Just for you son...just for you..." He murmur softly.

"But wait how about the alliance?" I ask expectantly amf I look up at him.

"I guess we need to search for another means of help. Thankfully Rex, lend us their full help. He even said that the Head of the Council is coming tomorrow to meet with us." He exclaim excitedly. "I don't even thought that he's gonna say yes that easily when I ask him last night."

I become excited. I can't believe it, if there is someone who can help us its none other than the Head of Council. I don't really know who he is, and he's actually a great mystery within the Supernatural World. And possibly the strongest being living among us.

"Thank the Goddess.... We are safe now.."


(A/N: Jasmine Reed at the side..)

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