"Scarlett, you're here early," he said.
"I'll just return these books I borrowed." I never really had the chance to read it last night, not after what happened, obviously.
"Do you want anything while you're here?" he asked.
"Nope. We're in a bit of a hurry right now," Edrick butted in. Clark looked at him with one eyebrow up.
"Tell me, Scarlett, does he speak for you?" I laughed at Clark. I looked at Edrick while answering.

"No, he does not. But he's right. We're in a bit of a hurry, so just give me one Mocha Frappe and we'll be on our way," I told him. Clark nodded at me before making one.
"I thought we're just returning the books because we're in a bit of a hurry," Edrick said to me. I grinned.
"It's just one drink; it won't hurt to have one." Edrick rolled his eyes at me playfully. Then Clark returned with my drink.
"You can have it. My treat," Clark said.
"Really? Thanks. We'll be on our way. I'll see you at school," I told Clark. He nodded at me before me and Edrick walked our way to my apartment.

"Did you know his uncle is Hammock?" Edrick asked as we walked. I nodded at him.
"He just told me that last night," I said. Mr. Hammock is Clark's uncle. Then realizations from last night came to mind.

"Does he know?" I asked.
"That his uncle is a werewolf? No. Hammock told us to keep it confidential from Clark," Edrick said. I nodded at him. After a little while, we arrived at our apartment. I quickly opened the gate and went to the door.
I knocked several times while calling Lexi's name.

"Lexi, open up! It's Scarlett!" I said. Minutes later, Lexi opened the door.

Lexi's POV:

This headache of mine has been boggling me for days. I can't sleep or eat anything. This is all that man's fault.

"Lexi, open up! It's Scarlett!" This ain't good. Scarlett's here. She can't see me in this state. I put on my sunglasses and a scarf around my neck. I also put on my jacket before opening the door.

"Scarlett," I said as soon as I saw her. Then I noticed the man standing behind her.
"What's going on?" I confusedly asked.
"So you're Lexi, the one I spoke with last night," the man said. He was the one I was talking to last night?
"You're Edrick?" He nodded. Scarlett went inside, while Edrick just stayed outside.
"Aren't you coming in?" I asked.
"If that is okay with you,"
"Of course, come on in," I said. He carefully went in and slowly walked to Scarlett. What's wrong with him? He's strange.

"What's going on?" I asked Scarlett. She faced me.
"First off, did you let anyone inside?" she asked.
"No, I didn't. Why?" She shook her head as she refused to tell me what it was.
"Scarlett, tell me what it is. What the heck is going on?" I asked again. But she ignored me.

"I need to go and move out of here. It's not safe. You need to go to Vi."

"Scarlett! What's going on?!" Scarlett stayed silent before finally speaking to me.
"I'm sorry. I can't tell you. I can't get you involved."
"She's being pursued by a vampire."

Scarlett's POV:

"I'm sorry. I can't tell you. I can't get you involved."
"She's being pursued by a vampire." I looked at Edrick angrily.
"I can't believe you," I said.
"No, trust me. She needs to find that out," he told me.

"So what? So that she can put her life in danger?"
"Can you two please shut up?" Lexi yelled at us. We both looked at her.
"You're being pursued by a vampire?" she asked. She wasn't even surprised when Edrick mentioned the word vampire, nor did she ask if they were real.
"Yes. She needs to move out of here and move into our house, where we can keep her safe," Edrick explained.

"How is that making her safe? How can you protect her from vampires?" Lexi asked. I don't understand her. How is she so calm about this?
"Because she's being protected by three vampires." Lexi stared at Edrick before slowly moving away from him.
"You're a vampire?"
"Oh, don't act so surprised like you haven't seen one," Edrick said, smirking. I looked at the two of them, confused. Lexi was quiet for a second before speaking.

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"You need to live with Violet while I'm away," I told her.
"Can't I just go with you?" I shook my head at her request.
"You'll get in trouble if you do."
"And it would be a pain in the ass protecting you two," Edrick commented. Lexi glared at him.

"Listen carefully to what I'm going to say, Lexi. Don't ever invite anyone in. Not even someone you know. And don't go out at night." Our conversation was interrupted by a phone ringing.

"I gotta take this. You two pack your bags," Edrick said.

Edrick's POV:

"Sam, what's up?" I asked through the phone.
"Where are you?" He asked.
"We're at Scarlett's apartment. How's Chris?"
"He's still in one piece, thankfully. He managed to make the vampire talk and spit a few things he knows. We'll tell you when we get home," he said.
"Alright." I hung up and went back to Scarlett and Lexi.

"Are you two done?" I asked. Lexi went out of the room with her luggage. She's a little suspicious.
"Why are you wearing sunglasses inside your house.?" I asked. She stiffened up. Why can't I read her mind? Something's definitely wrong with her.
"Oh, I was just... I was about to go out when you arrived."
"Is that so?" She nodded at me.
"With a scarf?"

Who the hell turned her?

"Let's go." Scarlett came outside her room with her bag. We all went outside and walked Lexi to Violet's house. I've never met Violet before.
"Lexi, don't forget what I told you," Scarlett told Lexi when she was about to go inside the gate. I quickly went to Lexi and whispered.

"Don't tell Scarlett. She'll freak out once she knows the situation you're in. I'll keep in touch with you," I told her before leaving with Scarlett.

"What was that about?" Scarlett asked as we walked to my house.
"I just told her to be careful and call me when something comes up," I said. She nodded at me.

"What happened?" I asked as soon as I saw Chris sitting on the couch with cuts on his face.
"He was expecting Chris to come for him. What he didn't expect was how he would show up," Sam answered instead.

"Well, how did it go? What did he say?" I asked.

"He knew Scarlett is the Belerophon. His name was David. Although he didn't tell me how he knew, it seems like he was protecting something—someone," Chris said.

"Is your wound alright?" Chris turned to Scarlett and asked.

"Yeah. But those cuts on your face..."

"It'll heal." I rolled my eyes at the two of them. Seriously, they keep flirting in front of us yet won't tell each other how they feel. When will this stop?
"Anyway, I need to go do something."

"Where are you going?" Sam asked.

"None of your business," I said before going out. I took my cell phone out and dialed Lexi's phone as soon as I was the only one in the room.


"Lexi, It's me, Edrick. We need to talk. Meet me at the book café now," I told her.

"Alright." I then hung up and walked to the book café. I waited for about five minutes before I saw Lexi come in. She had her sunglasses and her scarf wrapped around her neck. She sat quietly in front of me. I looked at her intently before speaking.

"Take your scarf off," I told her.


"Oh, come on. I already know you were bitten by one. I'm the only one who can help you," I said. She hesitated, but took it off. Then I saw it. The bite marks on her neck.


Hi, it's been so long since my last update. I was planning on discontinuing this story, but I dunno. I kind of miss writing, so here I am. Sorry for taking so long.

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