All Might x Reader

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This is VERY self-indulgent- BUT he's so sweet and lovely and he's beautiful, so I get to make a fanfic for myself because I'm too embarrassed to look one up
- smut (mainly just talking)
- biting
- sitting-in-lap? I guess?
- your character is gender-neutral! ;)


The breeze brushed coldly against the trees as Toshinori Yagi sat patiently in his office chair. The man in question was trying to find a distraction as to not do the paperwork before him. The sad truth is, that as good of a hero that man was, he was determined to procrastinate any chance he got.
"Yagi?" I call out as I step into the teacher's working space. I've been working for Toshinori for almost a year now as his assistant, but I'm still uncomfortable bringing him more work when he's already working.

"Hm? Oh- Y/N! Just in time," the blond motions me to himself, beaconing me to his side.

"Oh, sir, I'm afraid you'll have more paperwork than expected this week," I mutter, shifting the weight of my body between my two feet awkwardly. Toshinori takes the news with a deep sigh, fiddling with his bangs soon after.
"It's alright- and I thought I told you to stop calling me sir? We're together. It's sad you'd give me such a title just for work purposes,"
I freeze

"Just... for work purposes...? What are you implying s-" I stop to correct myself. "What are you implying, Toshi"

"I'm implying that we start exploring sexually," I have never been more glad to be in a room alone with the blond. "I'm too old to be wasting away doing work in an office!"

"You're not old, hun," I sit on the desk as he shuffles the freshly stacked papers aside. "You're working too hard and you need a break- and I promise I'll give you one the first opportunity I get!"

"Great!" I sigh a breath of relief. "Then you'll give me one right now," I suck back in the air.

"What? I-... ughhhh, Toshiii!"

"You can't go back on your word, dear,"

"Uggghhhhhh... oh, alright. But we're doing something special when we get home- and you have to finish at least a little of your work today," I try to bargain.

"Deal!" He smiles brightly, reminding me why I fell in love with him in the first place.
It's that smile... that damned smile...
I wriggle out of my thoughts to see my lover was sitting beside me on the table.
"Why?" The words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"Huh? Oh. Can I, um..." The blond tries and fails to find the right words "I wanna try something- can you sit in my chair?" He settles. I sigh deeply and jump off the counter.

"Alright, ya happy, goofball?" I say sardonically as I swivel around a little in his chair, still warm. Suddenly he sits back down, facing me, bangs almost covering his bright smile.
Holy fuck fuck fuck fuck fUCK FUCK HE'S SITTING IN MY LAP? WHY?? Oohhhh it's kinda hot, the look he's giving me- bUT HE'S SITTING IN MY LAP- FOCUS, Y/N!
I snap out of my thoughts yet again to see a scared look spread across Toshinori's face.

"I-I'm sorry, we'll stop if you're uncomfortable, sunflower-" I'm grounded after he calls me by my nickname and I can't help but smile, so I cup his cheek to let him know it's alright.

"Don't stop... this is nice," I mutter, pressing my forehead into his shoulder.
His scent is so unique... he's so warm
I can't help but think as I caress his back gently, slowly turning the soothing act to something more fast-paced.

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