"And how did he know you wouldn't snitch to your bible thumping mother?" Sarah pried.

I watched Kitty shift in her seat, clearly, we had delved too deep into the topic, "What did Annie tell you?" She shifted the spotlight back on me.

"Apparently, Jason has been a sub before,"

Kitty sighed in either relief or disgust before drowning her liver with more wine. At the rate they were going, we'd be spending New Year's getting their stomachs pumped.

"Ooh," Sarah slurred, "The plot thickens."

"And how do you feel about that?" Jade put on her best faux psychiatrist voice.

"Fine, I guess." Their eyes wandered over my uncertain expression, "I don't know. I thought...I assumed that he hadn't ever le-"

"Let his dominatrix ex dominate him?" Sarah finished my thought.

I joined them on the glitter-coated couch, "I know it's stupid. I just feel like I don't know anything about him."

"Well, that's because you don't." Kitty chimed in.

We stared at her.

"Sorry, but all y'all have done is fight and fuck. Ever think about talking?"

"We talk."

"About fucking."

I scoffed but failed to produce an argument to the contrary.

"If you want a relationship, you're going to have to be direct."

"Yeah," Jade decided to jump in, "That's how I got Henry Reed to go out with me in the ninth grade. I mean, he broke up with me a week later but my cojones were legendary to the whole class for a year."

"I'm not sure I even want one,"

A collective groan went through the room.

"Well until you are sure," Sarah tossed me a dime bag full of blue glitter, "Start making centerpieces."


The bitter cold whipped around me and through my jacket. The icy weather wouldn't lift until well after the new year. By then, Sarah would be married and I would be back at work with Ethan.

I was more excited about one event than the other.

Going back after weeks away from my desk job would feel odd. The idea alone had already begun to make me claustrophobic.

I yanked open the door to my apartment and climbed the polished stairs. One of the benefits of my job, however, was the increased paycheck.

My phone vibrated in my jacket pocket. I predicted at least ten new messages from Sarah. She was the kind of friend who pestered you until you reported back that you made it home safe.

As I rounded the corner on my hall, my feet ached. I had the kind of worries that only a hot shower could wash down the drain.

Unfortunately, I had already made other plans.

Jason waited for me by my apartment door. He leaned against the wall with his hands stuffed into his pockets.

He noticed me when I was a few feet away.

"Hey," He shifted his attention towards me and watched as I opened the door.

The heat from my apartment engulfed us.

"Sorry it's so late," I said as I put my stuff onto the counter, "I thought we should talk."

Jason nodded, "About what?"

HER TOY 18+Where stories live. Discover now