Start from the beginning

"What "other things"?" Naruto asked curious as to what his older brother was going to be seeing their grandfather figure about.

Ryu smiles as he pets Naruto's head "I am going to ask Sandaime-sama to give us some advice for training so I'll train you in the basics before we go to the academy Naruto" as Naruto grins "But can't we wait for the academy , I mean the instructors will teach us"

Ryu smirked as he reached over and rustled his brother hair "You can never be ready to prepare when it comes to things like this Otōto, remember that." he said with a smirk as his brother pushed his hand off his head and pouted.

"You always act so much older than me, even though we are of almost the same agr." Naruto pouted at his brother treating him like a little kid.

Ryu smirked, "Bigger brothers always grow up quicker, they have to in order to look out for their Otōtos'." he said as the microwave finally dinged and Ryu got up to get the food.

Taking the bowls out he put them on the table and handed Naruto a pair of chopsticks, they pulled back the lids and Naruto inhaled the smell like it was a sweet perfume.

"Aaaah, food of Kami-sama for breakfast. Is there any better way to start the day?" Naruto smiled as he took in the scene

Ryu chuckled as he shook his head at his brothers words, "Well I'm not sure about Ramen for breakfast but it will do for today." he said as they put their hands together and bowed, ""Itadakimasu"", before starting to eat.

"Sasuke, Ayuri wake up quickly you have a big day today"Mikoto says as she pulls the blankets off the two Uchiha's as Sasuke groans

"Kaa-san don't worry I am strong enough to beat Menma.... it doesn't matter if he is the child of prophecy or something and that weakling Brother of his"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN GET UP BEFORE I SHOVE THIS SPOON UP YOUR ASS"Mikoto says as she pushes Sasuke off the bed.

"Morning Kaa-san"Ayuri says as she was already up and goes into the bathroom.

"Morning my princess and you too Sasuke get refershed and come down in 10 minutes Your father , Itachi and I will drop you off" as Sasuke's eyes widen "Nii-san is back" he says as he quickly runs down and hugs his brother tightly.

"Nii-san you are back"Sasuke says as Itachi smiles and pokes his head "Yes I am otuoto How can I not be here for my cute little siblings big day" He says smiling as Fugaku comes in and Ayuri comes down and hugs Itachi.

"Indeed it is a big day for you Sasuke , Ayuri ,you both are my kids and the successors to the Uchiha Clan along with Itachi , I want you to crush everyone there along with Namikaze brats I am sure you'll make us Uchiha's proud"Fugaku says as he smirks reading the newspaper.

"Become a good Ninja Ayuri ,Sasuke I know you both can do this" Mikoto says as she places the breakfast and they eat.

Outside the academy

Ryu smiles as he walks with Naruto as they both wearing Anbu lowers along with a meshed shirt and hoods over them as Ryu had Kunai and Shuriken holsters 4 on each leg with his sword on his back while Naruto had three on one leg as they fistbump.

"Nii-chan we'll be the best here"Naruto says as Ryu was about to say something but was interrupted by a voice.

"Keep on dreaming dobe , Uchiha's will be the best " Sasuke says loudly as he walks towards the Uzumaki brothers along with Sayuri.

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