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— A brief note before the chapter begins.

I have been a lazy writer but I have decided to continue this fanfiction, I can't promise regular updates but I will try my best to deliver quality chapters with an interesting storyline.

— Ares-san!


The mission within the Land of Earth had been a success for team eleven, not only did they manage to complete the mission but at the same time they were able to take out two very high ranked rogue ninjas of Iwagakure, which is not exactly a childs play. The three members of the team could be seen entering through the northern village gates as they greet the guards on their, yes the two guys i.e Izumo and Kotetsu.

“ Oi Izumo, Kotetsu! We are back from the mission, it was my first time leaving the village you know and it was so fun, we even got to fight! ”

Naruto was not the one to waste time and he started blabbering his stories to the two guards who seemingly enjoyed his company. Ayuri on the other hand was a child full of manners & etiquettes; she bowed properly while having a soft smile plastered on her face. Lastly was Ryu, he was standing behind them scratching the back of his neck wondering what to say. He took in a gentle deep breath as he said in a tone filled with composure.

“ Alright let's not bother them, they have a duty to fulfill and a mission to report, of course we can meet up with you two later today right and probably have some barbeque together? But sorry for now we must hurry. ”

Ryu said to the group as he turned towards the Hokage tower moving towards the building. He was excited and nervous, it was his first mission as a leader and the mission was very important because it could create tensions between the two villages.

Upon reaching the said tower, team eleven proceeded straight towards the mission room where the current kage, the previous kage and their councillors were sitting. Knocking on the door and entering the room when permitted to, team eleven first bowed properly before the leaders of the village.

Team Eleven reporting from mission Hokage-sama! The mission was a complete success, we did have some trouble on the way, two rogues did try to spoil the mission but they were dealt with.”

Since Ryu was the team leader for this mission, he gave the verbal report while a written report would be submitted on a later date. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the professor and the third hokage smiled internally upon hearing the news while Minato Namikaze, the yellow flash was curious and surprised. On the way back to Konoha, Ryu had disciplined Naruto and Ayuri by giving them tips on how to behave in front of the Hokage.

“ How strong were the rogues, Uzumaki-kun? And do you remember the ranks? If you don't then it is completely fine, congratulations for being successful team eleven. ”

Minato spoke, he was curious about Naruto's strength; Ryu and Ayuri weren't that significant to him. Hearing this Naruto took a step forward while placing two scrolls on the desk. Within these scrolls were the heads of both the rogue nins, collecting bounty was a good way of making money right.

“ I don't think we know the names, but they were pretty tough guys! Ayuri and I, took one down while nii-san took care of the other one. Within the scrolls are the heads, can you please send the bounties over them to our accounts? ”

Naruto's words surprised the council, as Ryu and Ayuri nodded confirming the details. Having said this they took their leave, letting the council do whatever with the scrolls. Hiruzen made a ram seal applying some chakra to open the scrolls only two reveal the heads of two very renowned rogues. This was shocking for the council to understand because three kids had taken down two demons on a single day.

“ One heck of a team! ” Minato mumbled while Hiruzen smiled as an anbu took the heads away.

[ Scene Shift : Kushina and Team Eleven ]

Kushina had made mistakes, she was stupid enough to let a saying which wasn't confirm manipulate her to neglect her own son. She hadn't been the same, walking through the markets she stumbled across the team who were going back to their living house which was the uchiha compound. Naruto had now a more mature mindset so his views had changed about his parents. The three stopped before her as Kushina just gave a soft smile while looking at the three.

“ Welcome back home, I was worried about you three! How have you been? ”

While Minato was more worried about strength, Kushina was about the well-being and Naruto noticed that along with the two. He took in a deep breath before choosing his words, he was still angry about it.

“ We are doing good, mother!  I hope you are doing the same. ”

These words for Kushina were like the blessed rain on a land suffering from draught. Tears welled up in her eyes,  as she hugged her son, who had just come back to her. Naruto did hug back too and seeing this made Ryu emotional, who knew the brave warrior was an emotional guy. Ayuri who noticed this teasingly elbowed his arm, having a smug expression. Naruto however spoke softly while hugging his mother.

I am still angry with you, yet I forgive you.. I can't forget but I will look ahead for a better future, mother. ”

Kushina was more than happy, it didn't matter if he forgives her or not; just having him in her arms was the most warm feeling she'd ever had. Soon he pulls away from the hug as he looked up at the red haired female before bowing as the team proceeded again.

" Hey hey hey Naruto, you know what? Ryu-nii-san is a crybaby, he was crying! ” — Ayuri says

What for real? Damn I must have missed it, awwww nii San you so cute with that mushy mushy stuff ” —  Naruto spoke joining the conversation in with a laughter.

Well I do love tragedies, don't get me wrong hey! What do you mean by mushy mushy! ” — The red head protested.

While their chit-chat was going on, the group noticed two ninjas wearing a sungakure headband picking on Konohamaru Sarutobi and soon a voice was heard; a certain black haired boy appeared with three other genins.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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