a new game!

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it was a normal day in karasuno they practiced and said farewell to eachother

yachi: hey hinata wanna walk home with me?

hinata: sure yachi

they were walking home but then hinata stops

yachi: hey hinata why did you stop?

hinata: whats that in your bag yachi?

yachi: oh its a new game you should buy one its really fun

hinata: alright ill buy one 

yachi: ill be ready to kill you:-D

hinata: stop that face yachi!

They continued talking and went seperate ways, hinata was about to go home but saw the that the game store was still open, he went inside and bought the game that yachi recommended ,he then went home after buying the game.

hinata: wow this looks so cool

(player please enter your username)

hinata:hmm how about this

(welcome tangerine, in this game you can play with friends, defeat monsters, meet new players, collect treasures, get gems, and team up with players)

tangerine is now online

hinata: wow this is so cool

hinata then practiced leveling up but then he bumped into someone, hinata then typed somthing in the chat


after 5 minutes the player still wasnt replying he was getting flustered beacause of this.

tangerine:um hello?

kodzuken:oh hi is that yours?

the player was pointing behind hinata that had a treasure chest

tangerine:well i was excited beacause it was a high level crystal ball but my character doesnt use this :-( you can have it if you want

kodzuken:thank you

tangerine:your welcome

kodzuken:wait whats your character

tangerine:oh its a swordsman


kodzuken then drops some armor and swords hinata was shocked but then replied with

tangerine:thank you

kodzuken:it was the least I could do

hinata then walks away from the player and continued leveling up after some time it was night so he closed the game and slept

                              to be continued..^_^

                            (this is my first time so yeah OwO)

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