his taking what?!

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hinata's pov.

hinata started walking back home, he noticed that it was almost night, hinata sighed , he went back home with his mom cooking, the fragance and aroma of the food made hinata drool.

he saw natsu trying to take one piece from there mom's dish, hinata then grabbed the plate as fast as he can and took a bite, it was a long time their mom cooked lots of food

hinata's mom: hinata! let your sister taste some

natsu: right nee-chan give me all of it


hinata's mom:theres lots of food there no need to be that angry

natsu: mom, is there an occasion its a long time since you cooked this much O(∩_∩)O

hinata's mom: ...

the room went silent for a minute, hinata saw his mom with a sad face, his mom forced a big smile.

hinata's mom: your father wants a divorce..

hinata suddenly brightened up by the news, but he wandered why his mom was making a sad expresion.

hinata's mom: he wants to take one of you..


hinata's mom: dont wory, ill work something out..

hinata was looking at his mom his mom started to tear up

natsu: i dont want to go mom

hinata: m-mom

hinata's mom: yes darling

hinata: you look more sad when you said youll figure something out is there more things you havent told us?

hinata's mom:well-.... i ... can keep both of you but.. will have to surrender the house..

hinata was angry he knew that his father was technically the one who bought the house but he knew that his father only bought the house by name, his mother was the one who bought the house so why do they have to surrender the house?!

hinata:will surrender the house

hinata's mom:we wont have a place to stay..!

hinata:i can probably- take a part time job? i c-ca-can sell all my s-st-stuff?

hinata's mom:you dont have to ill figure something out

hinata:mom.. please?

hinata's mom: ....

hinata: i just want to help you please trust me mom i wont let father take anyone away!

hinata's mom: ... are you sure?

hinata:its alright mom you've already sacrificed everything for us atleast let us do the same!..

hinata's mom:al-l-right but if it too much you can tell me will figure something out

hinata:alright mom

natsu:nee-chan i want to help too>﹏<

hinata:then make sure you dont spend a lot of money k?

natsu:b-b-but what about my robux?!

hinata:just kidding but if you want money i can give you my mothnly allowance from mom..

natsu: no nee-chan ill earn my own money!! you can try my lemonade they taste the best!


hinata's mom: ...


hinata:maybe you should try cookies instead

hinata's mom:yes dear maybe you should try selling cookies instead of lemonade

natsu: but why i didnt do anything wrong with the ingredients on lemonade


random girl:woah lemonade! ill have some one please



random girl:😖yuck! what did you put in this

natsu:here's the ingredient read it your probably jealous because it taste good🙄💅

random girl: ...


car oil


hinata's tears

blood of my enemies

cut soap bar

holy water made by asahi

oikawa's milkbread

kageyama's milk

(extra)(natsu: this was hard to steal😙✌ especially  oikawa's milk bread i had to pretend i was his fangirl😤👏)

end of flashback✔

to be continued

A/N:hello my fellow readers love you thx for reading😊 

ima publish this early too im too excited 😂

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