Part 2

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Elizabeth sat in the Great Hall the next day, her mind was completely consumed by the brown headed boy from the other night. The way his fingers grazed her shoulder when he brushed her hair back or the way his sharp jawline would clench, rippling under the skin. The scars on his sculpted face from his fights at school oddly excited her. However Elizabeth was facing a couple of problems. 

One, Fred and George would be furious with her.

Two, she didn't need any distractions from her studies.

And finally;

Three, girls like her didn't belong to boys like Theodore Nott. He was dangerous. 

Elizabeth was a level-headed girl. She never let her grades slip, she had good and semi-stable friends, and she was too smart to fall for the bad boy act. Was she? She had barely touched her food when the boys noticed how quiet she had been all dinner. "Are you alright Liz? You've barely eaten anything." George said, mouth full of food. "It's nothing. Just stressed out about my Charms project." She assured the both of them. 

The doors to the Great Hall bursted open. The trio had arrived. Everyone's eyes were on the Slytherin boys. Blaise Zabini was friends with everyone. The only one really tolerable. Draco Malfoy was the bad boy with daddy issues. Elizabeth never liked Malfoy for the sheer fact of how he treated her friends but he's never done anything to her personally. Then Theodore Nott. The school bad boy with a temper. There wasn't a week in the month that he didn't have some new bruise or gash on his face. However he liked to fight, he was always the one to provoke the fights.

Blaise was shaking hands, Malfoy was laughing with Theo. Elizabeth felt like her heart had exploded in her chest as Theo let out howl, echoing in the large room. The professors rolled their eyes but the Slytherin table was soaking up the attention. "They are so obnoxious." Fred said from beside her. 

"Well so are the two of you idiots." Elizabeth joked, ruffling his hair. She glanced back up at table against her better judgement. Two brown eyes were burning into her. His body shook slightly from his friends nudging his shoulders playfully. People threw things across him to hit one of their friends on the other side but his eyes stayed on Elizabeth. He was chewing a piece of bubblegum, she could tell the way his jaw clenched under his skin. Could he tell that she wasn't breathing? A smirk spread across his face, he knew he no longer had to try to get her flustered.

His tongue came out of his mouth, stretching his gum out so he could blow a perfect pink bubble. His lips were puckered around it as he sucked it, popping it himself. Elizabeth swallowed the gasp that wanted to erupt from her chest. She wondered if Fred and George were burning up in the Great Hall too. "I should head up to my room. I need to start working on my homework." She blurted out. She just needed to get out of that room. The Great Hall was one of the biggest rooms in the bloody castle but it felt so small in that moment. 

She rushed up from the table and hurried to the doors. She wanted to run past the Slytherin table but she kept her composure. Sure her head was pointed to the floor but at least she didn't run. She heard Theo howl 'ow ow owwww' at her, followed by Draco Malfoy's whistle. They were messing with her. She picked up the pace and soon she was out of the Hall. 

It had been a couple hours and Elizabeth had already finished her homework. She tried to go straight to sleep to avoid needing to go on her nightly stroll. However her body knew it was her routine at this point and failed her by not letting her sleep. She ripped the covers off of her body and made sure not to wake her dorm mate. She had on a pair of shorts that weren't the longest but her body needed to cool down. She grabbed her jumper, pulling it over her head, it fell just past the shorts. Elizabeth then grabbed her wand and headed out the door. 

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