Part 11

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The next day Elizabeth got Eloise ready after lunch. She put a pink ribbon in her hair but left it down. Elizabeth didn't know what they were doing so she dressed Eloise in a white frilly skirt and a pink jumper to match. The weather was cooling down as of recently.

To say Elizabeth was nervous would've been an understatment. She began to wonder what it would be like to open herself up again. However thinking back, Theo never said he planned on staying. She wanted Eloise to know her father but didn't know if she wanted to get her hopes up.

The last thing Elizabeth needed is to open Eloise's world up to Theo and have him leave in the end. Obviously it was all just random thoughts because she didn't even know if Theo wanted Eloise to know he was her dad. It was a conversation that needed to be had at the end of the day. 

A knock on the door startled her for a moment but she pushed the feeling away, realizing it was probably Simon. "I wanna open the door! Mommy can I?" Eloise said, tugging on the hem of Elizabeth's jumper. She nodded her head and followed her to the door just in case.

Eloise was greeted with the familiar man who's height towered over them both. He looked older but not in a bad way. Aging like fine wine. "Simon!" Elizabeth said excitedly, hugging the man in front of her. Simon was a little taken back by the action but he hugged her back. 

"Elizabeth, still beautiful as ever." He glanced down at the small child and knelt down to her level. "Hello little one, what's your name?" Simon asked the small child. Eloise loved when the attention was on her. Elizabeth swore she must've known how adorable she really was. 

"I'm Eloise and i'm four!" She said, once again holding up her fingers. The pieces must've fell into place for Simon because his head shot up, giving Elizabeth a curious look. She only nodded. "Well Eloise, i'm Simon. Do you want to go on a little adventure?" He asked her in a playful voice. 

"What kind of adventure?" Eloise asked curiously. 

"I'm afraid it's top secret. We have to get to the destination before it's revealed." Simon said, looking around pretending that someone may hear him. "Will Theo be there?" She asked, quirking up her little eyebrow. The child had a big personality. "Of course Theo will be there!" He said, making her face light up with a smile. 

"Mommy race me to the car!" She shouted eagerly. "Run along and show me how fast you are." Elizabeth said to her daughter. Eloise ran to the black town car, hoping inside while they followed her.

"She looks just like him." She heard Simon say from beside her. 

"More and more everyday."



"Theo!" Eloise shouted as she ran over to him from the car. The door was barely opened by the time she saw him through the window. He was in all black as usual but just a little white basic shirt underneath his coat. 

Elizabeth watched her little girl run over to Theo. He scooped her up in his arms and placed a single daisy in her hair. Her heart melted at the sight. He's trying. When she approached him, he finally looked up to her. 

"Can't forget your beautiful mother, can I?" He whispered to Eloise. The little girl was being held in one arm as he reached up placing another single daisy in Elizabeth's hair. "The most beautiful girls in the world." He muttered to himself but Elizabeth heard it. 

"She's been talking about you non-stop today. You left quite the impression apparently." Elizabeth said, now walking with the both of them. "What can I say? I have the tendency to leave last impressions." He said smugly. 

Honey: Theo Nott short storyWhere stories live. Discover now