Part 1

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Elizabeth made her way down the all too familiar staircase. The air grew cold and the smell was almost sterile-like. The Gryffindor jumped at the smallest noise that would surround her in the dungeons.

Usually her nightly strolls were out of pure curiosity every night. However tonight, she had to return a text book to Blaise Zabini, her partner for the upcoming Charms project. It was late and she didn't even know if he would be there. Blaise had offered to come get the book from her but she's always been curious about the Slytherin house and what it looks like. So she jumped at the opportunity to take it back to his room.

It's not common to see a Gryffindor in the Slytherin commons but here she was. Fred and George Weasley, her two best friends, told her to never go down there. For she was too pure to step foot in the dingy dungeons. She didn't care though. Elizabeth had this burning desire to see what all the fuss was about-what went bump in the night down stairs.

The door to the boys dormitory was open, so Elizabeth didn't bother to knock. She made her way to Blaise's door and knocked softy. The reality from being down there already setting in. Maybe if it would have been any of the other houses it would've been different. All of the other houses were warm and well lit. Downstairs was dark and cold. It kinda felt like something was always lurking around the corner.

Or maybe it was the sheer fact of her friends not approving of her going down there.

When the door opened her eyes went wide, that is not Blaise. She recognized the boy as Theodore Nott. Everyone knew the trio, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott. Best friends and probably the hottest guys in school. Elizabeth was far too invested in books to pay much attention to boys but anyone with eyes could see it. Now Elizabeth was far from a prude but she liked to stay on her side of the tracks. It comforted her.

"I'm sorry. I think I have the wrong room." Elizabeth said, not letting her voice show how nervous she was.

"Who are you looking for exactly?" Theodore said, shamelessly eyeing her figure. He brought his gaze back to her eyes after just a few seconds.

"I'm looking for Blaise, I have his textbook." She said, waving the book that was in her hand.

"This is his room, we bunk together. He didn't mention visitors." The boy's frame towered over Elizabeth. His arms held on the the top of the frame, his biceps flexing slightly. Enough to make heat flush over Elizabeth's face. "How rude of me I'm-"

"Theodore Nott. I know who you are." Elizabeth said boldly. The whole school knew who he was. Out of the trio he was definitely the fire starter. Bad temper. Quick to anger. Sarcastic. Complete asshole to anyone other than Draco and Blaise. "I'm Eli-"

"Elizabeth Clearwater. You don't go unnoticed yourself. However you can call me Theo." His smirk was deadly. A little dangerous. The fact that Theo had said that she didn't go unnoticed made her unexplainably flustered.

"Right well- if you could give this to Blaise that would be lovely. It's late."

"Why don't you just wait in here? I'm sure he'll be back shortly. I think I remember Blaise saying something about giving a book to his Charms partner. I'm assuming that's you?" Theo said, curiously.

Elizabeth didn't say anything. She just nodded her head. He stepped away from the door to allow her to enter the room. In the back of her mind Elizabeth knew that the textbook she was holding, was the only textbook they were using for the project. Also Blaise didn't even know she was coming down there. Surely he didn't need to give her anything. Despite her better judgement, she stepped into the room anyway.

The room was dimly lit. Two beds sat at either side of the room, dark mahogany bed frames accompanied both of them. There was a dark leather couch in front of the fire place. The crackling noise made Elizabeth jump slightly. She stood awkwardly in the room, knowing she had no business in there. "Make yourself comfortable love. Care for a drink?" Theo said, walking over to the wardrobe. He pulled out a bottle of firewhiskey, two glasses.

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