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December 27,2020, incheon,South Korea.
I will tell you my story.
Don't judge me.

It all began on August 21 2014. On Houston, U.S.A
My name is Hysher Welington currently living in incheon south korea, and i arrived here on December 22, 2015. Im an exchange student  currently on 4th year in a university studying Information technology based on south korea and living alone in my goshiwon im on my 5th year here in korea and will be taking my final examination before i graduate....im living my life to the fullest and can do anything with dedication. They say I'm a jolly student and happy person, but they don't know my past...the past that i keep trying to forget...Let me tell it to you with full details.
Way back on 2010, i was still with my family in houston, United states living completely normal and all my two brother Ray,Mark,and I are good and close to each other. My parents are like a couple that always keep their love last and working for us three. Our family is like everyone's dream come true but it was all a lie....My mother keeps telling me that she loves us completly and there are no favoritism, but why did she send me to korea if she loves me....And she doesn't even hesitate sending me there while my two brothers will stay in the U.S..Why does she do this to me...i know im the youngest but...i cant see that i exist in our household. She only notices me when i do something wrong nor give some problems to the fam..i once called a black sheep by my father...bit she didn't know that i always keep hurtful words only to myself and dont bother anyone else..

Back in reality, im living all alone now, im doing fine in school and have a part time job in a restaurant in a local restaurant in incheon centre. I have a few friends but its fine and im secretive as fuck, they don't know about my past nor the story why i arrived here in korea..all they know is my outside humor..but they dont know me completely.. I'm so Lonely minded that even my brothers don't know what happening to me nor whats on my mind...I always say "Im fine here don't worry" even if i want to say that im not and i need some help but I couldn't....I couldn't...I dont want to bother them nor make them worried. I keep asking my self every night and every day.....Why did i do wrong to be put in this kind of situation?...why am i like this...I don't understand anything....I don't know which one is fake nor real....I don't know if i can let go of these feeling that i kept with me for years..All my thoughts,my Voiceless screams,my pain,my true self....all of that i locked up in my mind and keep banging everynight begging to come out but I couldn't....all i can do every night is to cry and cry until i sleep...I want to be happy...but ...how...and why?.....why do you need to be happy?......

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