"Yeah whatever, don't forget your scrunchies and water bottles with that foolishness."

She gasped slightly and gave him a playful smack on the shoulder.

"Okay, that was complete satire, I mean who pays over 20 bucks for a water bottle? Who?!", she demanded putting the car in reverse.

He gave a small laugh and a shrug at the girls defensiveness.

"Okay, okay I get it. The food should be coming in about 15 minutes so by the time we get there, the food should be there."

"Ooh we gotta hurry! Someone might steal it from your door step if it's there for too long!"

"No one is gonna steal the food, round face. That's never happened."

"From your doorstep?", she asked.

"Yeah?", he said.

"Yeah they will!", she concluded. "Who wouldn't steal free food from someone's doorstep?"

"They need to stop being an idiot and get a job.", he retorted.

She looked at him and and one of her eyes twitched.

"I mean, obviously.", she scoffed with a smile. "Clearly we've lived different lives. Delivery food wouldn't last 2 minutes on my doorstep."

Bakugo thought about it and nodded his head. "Guess so, but you're a certified hero. Just destroy em."

"Bakugo, I can't just take out people for reasons like that!"

"Why not?!"

"What kind of hero would knock out random citizens for stealing their food? That's a terrible image for me!"

"Seems like a good enough cause to me."

"Any reason would be good enough for you to knock someone out.", she said laughing.

Bakugo laughed at that one, knowing it was true.

"They should know not to mess with me.", Bakugo said confidently raising his hands. "Don't mess with a pro heroes food. Or anyone's for that matter."

"See, I just feel-", she said waving her hands around at the red light. "That that would make me look so greedy. Remember that picture in the press they got of me last summer?"

He paused, but then bust out laughing. She blushed and stifled a giggle.

"See, yeah you remember! Todoroki, Shoji, Tokoyami and I had just finished those idiots at the jewelry store. They caught me with Todoroki eating soba with my mouth STUFFED.", she emphasized putting her hands near her cheeks. "And of course Todoroki looked fine but I looked like a literal hamster."

Bakugo was hitting the dashboard at this point from how funny the entire situation was. Her retelling the story made it even more hilarious. 

"Then Satoa and Aoyama tried to make me feel better. Sato has to eat a bunch anyway and Aoyama is always looking like a freaking model.", she whined turning the corner. "I clearly looked like the glutton in that situation."

"Listen.", Bakugo said between laughs. "You have taken great pictures...since then."

"Gee, thanks.", she sneered.

"No, no for real!", he said trying to be more serious. "When you got to be in the new heroes weekly magazine that was a great photo. And you even got to be on the cover with the girls thing."

"The girls in our class being on the cover of New Heroes?", she corrected giggling.

"Yeah! You looked the best to me. No one has said anything about that food picture since then."

"Well...", she blushed pulling into his driveway. "I'm glad my reputation could be fixed with some good lighting and exercise."

"Better than me. I've been called an angry Pomeranian on some stupid podcast, did'ya know that? Idiots compared me to a small dog."

They both got out the car and as soon as she was about to respond, the delivery driver pulled up and hopped out of the car. He saw her and gave a smirk. He handed her the bag with a sly smile.

"A pretty package for a pretty girl. I know it'll stuff you up good. We do pull out the best ingredients for an arousing taste."

She looked visibly disgusted but tried to hide it with an awkward smile. That was one of the worst hidden messages she's ever heard that she couldn't even take it seriously. As she was about to respond, Bakugo stepped in front of her and since he was now 18 and 6'1 tall, he towered over the delivery guy.

"Step off shorty, or else.", he growled.

The delivery guy suddenly gave a small smile and skidded back to his car. Even with his arm in a sling, he definitely looked intimidating. She thought it was hot, but didn't do anything that showed it.

"That was a horrible way to try and pick up a girl.", she started. "I've heard better pick up lines from Ms. Joke! At least hers worked, I think her and Aizawa are dating."

"That guy is such a shrimp. And a creep. Let's go inside.", Bakugo muttered opening the door for her.

"You think Mr. Aizawa is a shrimp?", she asked shocked.

"No! Oh my- the DELIVERY GUY.", he exclaimed.

"Oh, pftttt!", she giggled. "My bad."

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