He meant it

If they were together he would never even dream of hitting her, he would hug her, comfort her, hold her hand, protect her, help guide her, and...


He didn't have the heart to just watch as she cries in fear...in fear of him...

'I'm such a jerk...' he thought

He slowly walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder, this caused her to look at him her eyes filled with hurt meanwhile Branch's eyes were filled with guilt and sorrow which kinda calmed her down a little. He scooted himself closer to her while still holding onto her shoulder until he finally spoke...

Branch: Poppy listen...I don't hate you ok? I'm sorry I didn't mean it...can you forgive me?

Poppy:...You're lying

Branch: ?!

Poppy: Branch I know you hate me you never liked me and I understand that...I just wish you liked me as much as I liked you...

Branch: P-Poppy n-no please what can I do to you that I don't hate you?

Poppy: There's nothing you can do Branch...I know you hate my guts...

Branch felt like he was the worst person in the world, he had just told the most innocent troll alive that he wishes she was never born...he knew he had to make it up to her, but how? He thought of it for a moment until an idea came to mind he was a little hesitant about the idea but he felt like he had no choice...

Branch: P-Poppy...

Poppy: Yes?

Branch: I'll.....b-be your plus one

He said slightly embarrassed while playing with his hands hoping Poppy will forgive him if he did this, she might go and tell everyone but all he was really focused on was to make it up to her.

Poppy however felt shocked at what she just heard and began to wipe her tears away and look at him, her expression filled with happiness.

Poppy: Do you really mean that?

Branch: Yes...

Poppy: Oh Branch thank you! I promise you when we get out of here we'll have LOTS of fun!

Branch: Alright alright yada yada I get it...

She gave him a big warm hug making their cheeks squish together, she had a big smile on her face while Branch just squinted his eyes.

Until they heard a knock against the steel rocks.

Employee: HEY! Are you folks alright!? Is the Princess safe? King Peppy is worried sick!

Poppy: I'm ok! And so is-

Employee: Yeah yeah whatever! As long as you are safe princess!

Poppy: Um well Branch is fi-

Employee: Ok listen...so uhh don't worry we found a way for you to get out!

Branch: Great so how are you gonna remove the fake rocks?

Employee: I didn't say we were gonna remove the fake rocks!

Poppy: But you just said you were gonna get us out!

Employee: No, I said we found a way for you to get out! And the only way out is...you're gonna have to go on the ride.

Poppy: *Gasp* REALLY!?! :D

Branch: You can not be serious...

Employee: Well I am serious! The only part of the ride that was affected by your fall was the entrance, so the only other way out is to ride the ride.

Poppy: Yaay! You hear that Branch? We're gonna be on such a fun ride!

Branch: *sigh*

Employee: Ok so just go and move straight forward and you should be out soon!

Poppy: Branch c'mon follow me!

Poppy said as she started to skip through the cave they haven't even gotten to the actual ride, yet she already seemed to be having the time of her life.

Branch then began to try and catch up with her since she was already pretty ahead once he caught up he felt like there was an awkward silence between them and thought maybe he should make conversation.

Branch: So uh where is the actual ride? So far this just looks like a fake glitter mine...

Poppy: Well it should start right about...NOW!

She then pointed to a big old photo of a yellow trolling with orange hair along with two people who looked like his parents, the kid wore blue overalls with a green patch. His father wore a white shirt and jeans while what looked like his mother wore a light red dress. On the bottom of the photo was a white rectangle with a paragraph on it.

Branch was a little confused at first until Poppy spoke up.

Poppy: You see Branch the first half of the ride isn't actually a ride but instead a a little mini-museum that about Henry Ruschmann's childhood before he became a miner!

Branch: Oh that seems a little strange...

Poppy: C'mon I'll give you a little history lesson! :D

She began to read off of the white rectangles below the old photos of Henry Ruschmann's life his life seemed mostly normal but he was pretty poor growing up, Branch actually thought Poppy was doing a nice job as a tour guide, but that could be just because Branch secretly liked hearing Poppy's voice...

Poppy: Branch look! This one is my favorite picture!

She ran towards a picture that had a gold frame and was at the very end she seemed very eager to show him.

Poppy: Come look!

Branch did what he was told and walked towards Poppy with a slightly confused look when he got over there he saw the picture at the very end was of Henry getting married, the couple looked so happy in the picture.

Poppy: Awww isn't that cute! 😍 I hope I get married someday ☺

Branch: Yeah hope you get married someday too...

Poppy:...Hey Branch can I ask you something?

Branch: Um sure?

Poppy: Do you ever plan on getting married?

Branch felt a little uncomfortable with that question getting married was the last thing he felt like he could accomplish, but he didn't really wanna answer so he decided to answer with a bit of an attitude.

Branch: Why do you care?

Poppy: Well it's...because...you know what? N-nevermind...

Poppy then started to not skip but walk towards their next destination, Branch was now extremely confused she looked like she had something on her mind...something like she was holding in some sort of pain...

Sooo Part 3?
Also for those who didn't look up who Henry Ruschmann was, I'll just tell you...

Henry Ruschmann was the guy who invented glitter, no seriously look it up if you don't believe me!


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