Play (Part 1)

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Branch was always told that he was very polite for his age, he said "please" and "thank you" called every lady "ma'am" and called every man "sir." He seemed to be grateful for everything he has especially his grandma, he doesn't know what he would do without her without her his life would be empty and he would be lost. Which was why he was always so afraid about getting in trouble it may not seem like a big deal but to Branch if he ever got in trouble he would be more afraid of upsetting his grandma, which if he did he would feel like it's the end of world.

Which was exactly why he was freaking out right now...

Branch: I can't believe I have nothing!

Shouted a 5 year old Branch in a frustrated tone

Mother's day was just around the corner which was a day to celebrate all mommy's except...Branch never had a mommy.

Which is why he uses it to celebrate his grandma instead, every year he's given her something and this year came sooner than he thought because he completely forgot about it. He was in the middle of the troll tree walking in circles stressing over a good present.

He honestly didn't know what to do, he was just a child so it's not like he had any money, and it's not like he could make her a card either he was terrible at scrapbooking and even he wanted to try it he was way too afraid of the scissors.

Branch: C'mon Branch think of something!

He said ruffling his bright long blue hair.

Until finally the small child just sat down in frustration and had tears building in his eyes.

Branch: I don't wanna be a bad kid...

He said sniffling

Nobody really noticed but a absolutely gorgeous troll heard small sniffling and looked around to find a small blue child curled in a ball, the troll had yellow eyes that shined like the sun, light blue skin that looked like an ocean, and dark purple hair that was in a stylish swirl, she wore a fancy dark red turtle neck, tight black pants, and black boots.

She was known as "Dottie" a theater troll that directed plays, some wear hilarious, some were sad, and some were dramatic. She had a bit of a reputation since people absolutely adored her plays but that's not all she was known for...she also loves little kids and seeing a child cry she had to do something.

She went over to the small blue troll and put a hand on his shoulder, Branch noticed and looked up to see Dottie.

Dottie: What troubles you young one?

She asked in a gentle tone.


He said not facing her.

Dottie: Well it doesn't seem like nothing.

She said crouching down to sit next to him.

Branch knew she could tell that something was wrong, it's not like he could keep it a secret and of course him being the one who desperately needs to talk to someone he spoke.

Branch: I don't have a present *sniff* for my grandma...and mommy's day *sniff* is here soon but I never had a mommy but now I don't know what to give her.

Dottie: Awe sweetie...I'd love to help but I have a busy schedule for my next play.

She said standing up

Branch: Play? What play?

She looked down at him and smiled

Dottie: Ahhh it's a classic, it's the original tale of the princess and the knight. It's gonna be-

She stopped talking when she saw Branch's face, he wasn't saying anything but his face looked like he had won the lottery.

Dottie: uuhhh are you o-


Dottie: Uhhhh yes?

Branch: My grandma loves that tale! :D

He said jumping in the air.

The pretty lady was a bit confused until she realized what he was thinking.

Dottie: Are you saying you want to audition?

Branch: Yes please!

Dottie: Well I don't know good are you at acting?

Branch: I can be good, ma'am! :D

Dottie got a bit skeptical

Dottie: Well I don't know...

Branch: Pretty please!

He said hugging her leg and giving her puppy dog eyes.

The pretty lady just rolled her eyes playfully.

Dottie: Alright alright, look.

She said pulling out a flyer from her hair and giving it to him, it stated that auditions started tomorrow and 9:30am.

Dottie: I'll let you audition but no promises!

She said not wanting to get the poor boy's hopes up

Branch Yay! Thank you ma'am!

And just like that he was off well...not before turning back and waving his tiny blue hand goodbye.

Branch: Best. Present. Ever!

He said jumping wildly and excitedly back home.

Sooo part 2?

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