Author's Note and Important Dates

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A U T H O R 'S N O T E

Dear Wattpadders, fellow readers, writers and friends,

Today, we would just like to thank you on picking up "To Shackle A Kingdom". This is just a rough sketch/first draft of the book which means it may contain plenty of grammar mistakes and plot holes. The book will definitely go under heavy editing and rewriting once it has been completed. Honestly, both of us have never actually thought we would one day start a collaboration together. It only seems like a few minutes back when we had created this account and published the book for the world. So we'll let you in on a secret:
We are as excited as to get on with the story as you are!
Yes, this is very true.

Also, please don't be a silent reader. Vote, comment, and let us know what you think about the story. Reading all your feedback and comments will always make our day.

Now let's get on with the story!

Sincerely, Hazel Astra and Nat


I M P O R T A N T  D A T E S

Date Started: 16/12/20
Date Completed: -

Date Started (Rewriting): -
Date Completed (Rewriting): -

Date Started (Editing): -
Date Completed (Editing): -

To Shackle A Kingdom | COMING SOONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora