💗Chapter 3💗

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Hi👋 I'm back sorry for not posting I was doing semester exams all week and I uploaded on wit so yea😖😖😖 I'm sorry. Anyways hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I like writing it. Enjoy🤗🤗


Oikawa - Bu-But what about you.....you're getting hurt

Kageyama - *panting* As long as they're safe....I'll take anything for them *smiles*

Kenma - But why??? They bully you, and he made up lies about you *crying*

Kageyama - Because I love them....I'll always love them. And because they are my mates.

Atsumu - *sobbing* lets get you bandaged up then *sniff* HE came back right??

Kageyama - *stiffened* umm...who? *laughs nervously*

Atsumu - Don't lie to us we saw the limousine come and we saw you talking to him......what did he tell you??? What did he ASK for???

Kageyama - .....blood

Oikawa - *eyes widened* how much....you know you lose a lot of blood when THEY are together.....

Everyone - 💭blood!!! Lose a lot??? Them together?!💭

Tsukishima - 💭It was that dude in the limousine??💭

At that moment Tsukishima felt the need to kill the guy but then he shoved away the thought.

Kageyama - .......

Atsumu - How much Kageyama!!!! *voice cracking*

Kageyama - 3.......3 jars

Everyone - 💭What???💭

Kenma - 3 jars....*starts laughing while crying* then they beat you up and you didn't put up a fight??? Why???

Kageyama - ....He doesn't know that I'm powerful and.....I can keep them safe if I do what he tells me. I don't want to repeat what happened with him.

Oikawa - We already told you that what happened to your other mate, Izuku, is NOT your fault! (Yes I used Deku's name🤣 don't be mad😅)

Kageyama - IT IS MY FAULT!!!

Everyone was taken aback. When Kageyama screamed those words, they showed a lot of emotions both sadness and anger.

Kageyama - sorry.....but if I would of just done what he told me....if I would have let Liam do what we wanted to do to me. Izuku would never have left....he wouldn't be gone.....

The ones in the call where lost. They didn't understand what was going on.

Kenma - If you would have listened to him he would have raped you!?!?!?

Everyone had the same thought rape!!

Kageyama - In the end he still did it tho......

Everyone couldn't believe what they heard.

Kenma - Yeah but at the time you were only 10 years old and he was 18 years old!!!! At least when he did it you were 15 going to 16.....

Kageyama - Can.......can we not talk about this....please?

Oikawa - Ok Tobio-chan, we'll be going now......we'll come check on you later go take a shower and bandage your cuts ok....oh and you should wash your jacket the blood from your wrists seeped through it.

Kageyama, Tsukishima and Hinata??जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें