💗Chapter 7💗

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Hey kiddos sorry for taking so long in writing this part I've just not been feeling well. I haven't been motivated to write anything at all so I'm sorry for not posting anything. also I don't have a phone anymore so I can't post on wit at all. My MacBook does allow me to install wit so I'll be offline for a long time. There is also a chance that I lost my email account, so if I can't get it back I'll make sure to post my new wit account IF and WHEN I get a phone. Anyways enough of the sad story lets get started on this part kiddos. 


After Tsukishima (diff.Au) left, the kids finished erasing the names and memories of his mates or mate. "Is he going to be okay?" Tsukishima asked (normal Tsuki no more diff. Au Tsikishima). The adults sighed and turned off the projector thingy (I forgot what I called it originally and I'm to lazy to go back and check😐).

With Everyone Else

"Hey why did they turn it off!?" Tanaka shouted. Everyone stared at the television and tried to grasp what the hell had just happen. Was it all true, and if it was then they had bullied Kageyama for no reason. They had all betrayed him. However, that also meant that Hinata had lied to all of them about what had happened. 

Tsukishima was trying not go over everything he had just seen. Kageyama was his mate? What was that? Why was he never informed about it? His parents seemed to know so why hadn't they told him? Those kids that had appeared at the end they resembled him a lot. They were supposedly his kids, but then why had Kageyama not told him he was pregnant in the first place. Was it because he had been going out with Hinata? Did Kageyama not want to cause problems for him? He was so confused he had never stopped loving Kageyama he had just been hurt that the younger had cheated on him. However, that turned out to just be a lie. 

What was he going to do now?


Okay kiddos I know this part is super short but I wanted to upload it anyways so that you know I'm still ALIVE. Last time I talked with Toku they weren't doing well. They had some family and personal issues so they haven't updated their story. I don't know how they are doing right now since I don't have a phone however I really hope they're doing fine. I just want you kiddos to be patient with them since they weren't in a good place last time we talked. Anyways I don't know when the next part is going to come out form this story or how long it's going to be, however, since i just move, I'm not sure when I'll have time to right it and get my ideas together again. Bye-Bye for now kiddos💗👋🏻

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