Then Garou found himself standing in the dainty Ichigo Café, hands in his pockets while smirking at a gaping Nysa. She looked as sweet as her desserts today, dark hair braided with light makeup accentuating her striking features. She wore her main yellow bandeau, black leggings and a pair of flats. As usual, there was a bit of powdered sugar smudged on her face and to top it all off, she wore her cute pink strawberry apron.

    Scanning the empty room, Garou grinned wolfishly at Nysa, "You won't make an exception for me princess?"

    Instead of any kind of smile, Nysa scowled, "What the fuck are you doing here?" Garou shrugged, brushing off her hostile tone like he didn't notice. He knew she was going to be upset, he expected it since he didn't say anything this morning. Approaching her slowly Garou grinned again, "Well princess. I thought I would surprise you. Today you're stuck with me. Wherever you go, I'll follow." When he neared, Garou laid his hands gently on Nysa's hips, pulling her closer to him as she remained, frozen.

    "Why?" Nysa deadpanned before stepping out of his grasp.

    "Because I'm selfish."

    "Because I want to remember your smile."

    "Because I've never had such a hard time leaving someone."

    "Because...I like you. Hell maybe more..."

    Garou wouldn't say these thoughts out loud, despite the itching urge to voice his inner desires. Fighting his internal conflict, Garou just smirked, "Why not? I'll even let you yell at me again. But too late to kick me out,  I'm here."

    Nysa was skeptical of course, why was he suddenly here like this? The young woman didn't understand it. Too lost in her thoughts, Nysa missed the soft almost...sad expression that flashed across his face as he held her.

    "Just..Let me have this Nysa." he begged silently as he watched her contemplative expression. This woman. This woman was the only one who could cause these feelings within him.

    Garou couldn't hide the wolfish grin at the sound of Nysa huffing in defeat. "Fine, do whatever you want... but if you're hanging around, you're helping me with the afternoon shift" She muttered tiredly. The wolf's brow arched as he stared down at her, unsure.

    "Yeah well, I don't know shit about cooking."

    "Then you're going to learn wolf boy."


    "How much longer do I need to wear this?"

    "Until I say so."

    Garou groaned just after the last customer of the day left the shop. True to her word, Nysa made the young man work with her for the afternoon. At first, Garou thought she was joking in attempting to teach him to cook, but no, she actually tried. However, that goal was squashed after the third burnt crepe. Though that didn't stop the pretty woman from making Garou wear the pastel blue apron with little blueberries printed on the fabric. Nysa was equally delighted and surprised that he actually let her put it on him.

    The garment was comically small, Nysa having to get extra string to make sure it remained tied behind his back. Despite all this, the silly apron, the burning food, the mess up drink orders, Nysa was there to help him with skilled hands and a sweet laugh. The wolf wondered if  the young woman had worked double in order to keep today running smooth.

    Garou watched as Nysa flipped the "closed" sign in the door prior to stretching her arms high in the air with a sigh. When she turned around, she flashed that bright smile at him. Nysa was in a much better mood now then when she woke up this morning.

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