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**Wow sorry for the delay! Its been busy. Already working on Episode 15! These past two episodes have been a challenge to write. Alright, onto the episode!


Nysa felt something was off the moment she woke up. Rubbing her eyes, Nysa yawned loudly as she stretched. Sunlight filtered in through the window, illuminating her bare body in the sheets. There was a certain ache in her lower region that made Nysa pause. Suddenly the flood of memories from last night hit her, the woman gasping loudly as she reached for the empty spot next to her, the mattress was chillingly cold, as if no one was ever there.

As if last night didn't happen.

Snatching her phone from the floor, Nysa immediately dialed Garou's number the line ringing, "I'm about to kick his ass, he better tell me he went to get us breakfast or something."

However, there was no answer. Nysa dialed again, fighting to maintain her cool.

No answer, she tried again.

And again.

After the sixth missed call, Nysa typed a few quick messages, panic chilling her to the bone.

To Wolfman

Where did you go?

Pick up the damn phone.



Hey asshole!

Tears blurred her vision as Nysa angrily slammed her phone on the bed. The young woman used all her strength to keep from hyperventilating. "Where the fuck did he go?" Nysa was unsure if she was overreacting or if Garou really disappeared, "No, I'm not overreacting, I just slept with him and he disappeared AGAIN. I can be mad, its totally valid. Did... Did I do something wrong?"

Furiously wiping away the tears falling from her honey eyes, Nysa took a deep breath muttering to herself, "Don't. Just don't cry. Keep it together, you can cry later after the day is over. Get up, get ready." It was technically supposed to be an off day, but Nysa was internally grateful that she enjoyed her job and could go into work whenever she wanted. The young woman couldn't handle being at home with just her thoughts right now.

Nysa stood, silently steeling herself from feeling more upset. The young woman made her way to the bathroom, blushing at the sight of the marks across her skin that were not scars. Shaking her head, Nysa took a shower, washing away any evidence of last night before dressing in her yellow strawberry shirt and black leggings. Thankfully most of the marks were hidden by her clothes except for the dark bruise on her neck. Cursing silently, Nysa did her best to cover up the mark with makeup. She knew it would heal up by the end of the day, but Nysa didn't really want to make it known that it was there. Once she was satisfied, the dark haired woman braided her hair to the same side, further hiding the hickey prior to leaving her room and trudging downstairs.

Spotting Juji patiently lying on the couch, Nysa did not hesitate to lean down and firmly hug the large dog. Juji whined, softly nuzzling his companion as she sniffled momentarily. Standing straight again, Nysa lightly slapped her face, "Alright, snap out of it, come on boy, no jog today but I'll give you some yummy food before I go out."


After having breakfast with Juji and giving said dog a wave of affection, Nysa phased from her home and headed straight to the café. Remembering that Tenten was most likely sick still, Nysa expected to see the shop empty since she was usually the one who opened and prepped.

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