Pt 76

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The Same day
You went to get Elle and Stormi Elle and Stormi ran up to Mattia but then Elle didn't want to hug Mattia anymore
Elle: daddy is that your daughter
Mat: yeah
( ok let me explain the kid that is with jade and  Mattia is not Mattia's kid )
Elle: come on Stormi let's go
She left mad then north and Chicago came to Elle
North : Elle want to go play with Matteo and saint
Elle: yes mommy can I go with my cousins
Y/n: yeah
Then Kendall came up to you and said
Ken: where is Matteo btw hi Mattia
Mat: hi Kendall
Y/n: Matteo is with Kylie
Ken: can you take him from her I want to hold him
Y/n: go ask her
Ja: Omg Kendall can I have a picture
Kendall gave you a look and you shaked your head
Then Kylie came
Ken: can I have him
Ky: No he is mine
Ken: Y/n you tell her to give me Matteo
Y/n: Kylie give her Matteo for a little bit
Then Stormi came by you guys
Ky: hi Storm
Stormi: hi auntie bye Auntie
She left then you left and saw that lil baby and Jayda came
Jay: hi Y/n
Y/n: hi  Jayda

You left us  Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now