the one with the cake

174 10 115

(no the title is not like '😏cake' its like '🍰cake')

Namjoon- God of baking

Seokjin- RJ's dad

Yoongi- Quick Raps

Hoseok- I'm your hope

Jimin- Angel

Taehyung- Tae☕

Jungkook- Bunny Boi

(istg these names get worse every time)

God of baking

So....I may have made a very small accident.

Quick Raps

Oh god what now namjoon🙄




😏i agree

RJ's Dad

What kind of debauchery is going on here.


Taemin is back at it again at krispy kreme

God of baking

Ahem.. anyways, So I decided to bake a cake.

Bunny boi

I thought we decided not to let Namjoon back into the kitchen until he is at least over 40 yrs old.

RJ's Dad

We did. (¬_¬ )

God of baking

._ . So after many MANY failed attempts on burning the house down- I mean baking, I went to look for icing.

I'm your hope

We don't own icing....wait or do we?

Quick Raps

We do not. 

I ran out of it when making those cookies for Kookie the other day.

Bunny boi

:( sorry Namjoon.

God of baking

You're okay because luckily I found what I thought to be icing.


Jimin! He knows! ABORT ABORT


Good day my fellow members. We no longer exist

Tae☕ has changed their username to Bystander

Angel has changed their username to Not here

RJ's dad

What did you two do now.


By whatever do you mean. I am just a man, a man named...Taehyun

I'm your hope literally just removed one letter of your name Taehyun(g)

Not here

But who is this 'Taehyung' you speak of I do not know any of you. For I am..Jisung

God of baking

-_- okay, ignoring that, I picked up the icing and opened the cap of it but I guess something/someone had added pressure to it and it exploded in my face!

But it wasn't icing at all....IT WAS TOOTHPASTE

Quick Raps

Oh my god. All this build up. It was soo dramatic!(¬_¬ )

Bunny Boi

Jimin, Taehyung..why would you do that to poor Namjoon🥺

God of baking

wait poor-

*Spongebob voice: 2 squeals later*

Not here and Bystander changed their names back to Angel and Tae☕


We're sorry Namjoon!


Yeah we only meant for you to put toothpaste on the cake and it taste really minty, we didn't think it would explode in your face.

RJ's Dad may have apologized but I think you 2 deserve (yet another) punishment.

God of baking

Jin, dont do it. Jimin has already gotten punished like 12 times this past month.

I forgive you two only because that cake sucked anyways so it's time to go make a new one!

Bunny Boi

Namjoon, no!

RJ's Dad

If you bake ONE MORE CAKE, I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.

God of baking

Fine I'll go clean instead


*loud crashing noise*

RJ's Dad

We just can't have nice things anymore.

I am so srry that this one was short I have been really backed up on my other ff and I tried making it up with this but I could not get a good idea for some reason T-T

anyways good-bye for now because idk when I will make the next one .  _.

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