"What happened to Brian and Heffley?"

"Would you rather have them over me?", I feigned a look of hurt while her father gathered some men and walked out the door.

A look of realisation dawned on her face,
"So you're with me 24/7?", A mischievous smiled adorned her face. Uh oh

"Not 24/7 per say...", I trailed off realising that I never discussed that part of the job with her father.

"Move in with me!", Bella lunged towards me and hugged my chest as she looked up at me, making me wrap my arms around her waist in a reflex.


"All our security lives here in the house, in their respective quatres. But since you're my darling, you can stay with me", The minx fucking winked at me.

"I'm not going to move in with you Bella"

She pouted and scrunched her face at me, "Fine then when Hawthorn kidnaps me from my room at night, I'll have you to thank for"

"I'm pretty sure your previous guards didn't have to stay in your room to protect you...if they did they better wish they're dead", I tightened the grip on her waist possessively as images of her guards in her room at night flashed across my head.

"They didn't. They stood guard out the door.", she shrugged as she attempted to pull away from me.

"Did you get to see your sister?", she changed the conversation.

"No. And it's too late now anyway, considering it's 11:30pm", I put my phone back in after checking the time.

"Shit! Did you eat?", She didn't wait for my reply as she pulled back and grabbed my hand before taking me towards a huge living room with an empty dinner table in the center.

"Sit", I'll get the maids to bring you something.

"Bella it's fin-"

"No it's not, you're a boxer, you need to eat a lot"

"Not anymore", I muttered under my breath a sad hue lacing my tone.

"Xav?", Bella turned around to look at me.


"Can I do one last thing for you?"


"Just say yes or no"


"Please. Just this once? I promise I won't do anything for you ever again"

I chuckled at her wording before reluctantly nodding 'okay'. She skipped over to me and kissed my cheek before calling some maid called 'Martha' over and making her get me some food.

After eating the best meal I've had in a long time, it was about midnight.
"I should get going"

"Don't go, stay with me tonight", Bella held on to my hand as I got up to leave.

"I told you Bella. I can't move in with you" I can't be dependent on you.

"You don't have to move in, just stay with me for tonight. It's too late to go to that broom closet now anyways", She argued

"Bella Coach Grey, must be waiting for me to make sure I'm okay"

"I mean you did call him right? So he knows you're fine... Pleaseeee just stay?", She pouted and whined.

"Bella", I started but she cut me off

"Wait. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I acting so weird? Ugh", she cringed before continuing, "You're a bad influence on me Xav", she narrowed her eyes at me and poked me with her index.

"Is that so?", I arched an an eyebrow at her amused before I pulled her by her index to my chest.

"It is so.", She leaned up and pecked my lips, "Now you can go"

"Now that you want me to go...I don't want to"

"What are you? Nanny Mcphee?"

I rolled my eyes and leaned down to kiss her goodnight but someone clearing their throat in the background halted me.

"You're still here?", The Mayor arched an eyebrow at the two of us.

"I was trying to get him to move in with me", Bella shrugged from behind me.

"What!?", The Mayor shot a look to Bella

"Well you're the one who made him my personal security. So shouldn't he be here 24/7 protecting me?"

"Yeah but in the security quatres, not in your own room!"

"Don't worry Mr White, I've already said no and was about to go on my way home", I intervened Bella's antics of trying rile up her dad.

"I like this boy", Mr White patted my shoulder and walked in, while Bella rolled her eyes in response, though a small smile was tugging at her lips.

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow", I leaned down and kissed Bella's cheek before walking out the door.

"You want me to be there with you during the surgery tomorrow?", Bella looked shocked that I would want her there with me


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