We offer our hands to Ranboo who took them into his own, the white glow was back. After a bit I felt a warm tingle travel down my body as my Minecraft started to warm up. He let us go, hurriedly I looked down at it. The image of the hunter flashes through it, before it disappears and a map with a small tracker appears.

"There he is." I thought as the little tracker flashed a few times.

Ranboo sign before straightening up, "So. Your hunt begins in two days. You and a few hunters will be joining you on the hunt." He got quieter as he looked over us both, "Please be careful out there."

I touched the Minecraft that still showed the map with the flashing tracker. Two days, I have two days to get my equipment prepared, make sure all my weapons are sharpened, or loaded. Two days before I,and Karl could be the first hunters to ever win the game with one significant kill.

"So what are you doing after this Ranboo?" I looked at Karl who asked. Ranboo put the book away before answering.

"I'm going to go see Wilbur, Techno, and Philza actually. If you want you both could come with me. It has been a while since you saw them."

"Sure it would be great to see the Sleepy family again." I say.

"I got nothing better to do." Karl said.

"Great! I just have a few more hunters to handle, then we can head our way." With that Ranboo took his leave. Karl and I watched as the chair turned into black smoke as the door closed behind him.

"What is with the unicorn chair?" Karl asked as it disappeared. 

I shrugged, "I have no idea."

Karl looked down at his Minecraft, "You think we could take this guy down?"

The truth was, I had no idea. I want to mark myself as one of the better hunters but the mask boy was something that gave me a prick on the neck that told me he was dangerous. If what Ranboo said was true, about so many hunters going after him and not coming back, then yeah I was scared. But did I say my thought or concerns out loud? Nope, instead I say-

"Hell ya I do."

We awkwardly stood in that room as we waited for Ranboo to come back seeing as he was going to get off in a few minutes.

"You know its HIS birthday right?" Karl cuts in after a bit. His words echoed around the room. 

I tilted my head, "What are you talking about? Ranboo's?"

Karl gave a chuckle, "No I mean the youngest Sleepy. You know Tommy."

That explains why Ranboo was going to go visit. I mean Ranboo talks to people, but to actually go out and talk to people was not really his style. He was more of an awkward person who watches things go down in the distance. The one person who just randomly shows up, sits on the couch, pet the animals if any, and just watch. However I remember four year ago Ranboo was comfortable with Tommy. Those two were always seen by each other. It had to be hard for him to be cerebrating four years of not seeing his friend. 

"Really? So he would be fourteen right?"

"Yeah." Karl smiled all of a sudden dropped a bit, "Kind of sucks we haven't seen him in four years."

I nodded in agreement,"Yeah it does kind of suck. I actually kind of miss his obnoxiousness, and annoying voice. That boy I swear would have burned down houses when he got older."

"Yeah, remember when he burnt down your little block house?"

"Of course I do, I worked hard on that. His brothers were also pissed at him seeing as they helped me with it. I swear I can still hear his laughter ring around my head just thinking about that day."

"Yeah Techno and Wilbur, if it wasn't against the law to use your ability against younglings I bet they would have."


It was silent between us again, it was a minute before Karl picked up the conversation back up.

"You think Tommy is alive?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no clue. He's been out for four years, it's hard to picture, he would be lucky if he survived this long."

"You think Ranboo would let us use that book to find him and see?" Karl pulled at his jacket.

"I don't know why don't you ask him?"

It was silent once again between the two of us, finally a question came into my mind.

 "Have you heard anything about Wilbur's condition at all?" I asked this time.

Karl pulled his hood up, "From what I hear around it's worst so much worst. Poor guy he must still be traumatized from when they took Tommy away. As far as I know, he has a thing for blue, always in a weird happy mind set, and just not really here. Fundy is trying his best to get his dad the medical help he needs, but people are just accepting that this could be the normal Wilbur."

The Sleepy family were always kind of an unstable family. Philza was a struggling father with a sick wife with three boys. But one thing they had were each other, if you see one of the brothers you know the rest were nearby. I remember seeing them around as kids a lot, Techno learning how to fight to prepared to fight Speed-runners or Hunters, depending on what he was. Wilbur was always in a book unlike his twin, or playing instruments. Tommy wasn't born yet when Wilbur and Techno were young, but when he was he was always the wild one out of the bunch. The Sleepy family was also one of the families that were known to be pure blood of Hunters. Apparently if you look at their family tree all of them were hunters, and many of them became very well known. Until four years ago of course, when Tommy got tested at the age of ten and came out to be a Speed-Runner. This is when people guess that Wilbur kind of lost it. After losing Sally, and being a single father for twenty one years, it must have just been too much for him to watch his baby brother turn out to be a monster. Truthfully I guess anyone would go insane know such information.

The door once again opened and a much happier Ranboo came back in, "Sorry for ugh, you know, the ugh, wait. You both ready?"

"Ready as we both can be."

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