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Ch.5/2 Little Traitor 

I held on to the book of faces a bit tighter to my chest as I walked home. I hated walking home after a day's work from Hunters yelling at me about getting a better hunt then they could afford. It gets tiring, but that wasn't the only thing it brought. Walking home holding the book I felt like eyes were all around me, looking at the prizes that only I can give out. It brought fear, a deep fear that felt like a sharp knife cutting into my skin. I was afraid that they would attack me for the prize, while also afraid that they would see what I was doing. The prices in the book were rigged, after doing some messing around and a few help from friends I was able to mess with the point system a bit. Making it harder for people to get on the top. And because of this, I was a wanted criminal; not only was the point system broken, but less hunters were getting the prize they wanted. The system was braking and people were noticing.

I stopped walking feeling my ears bending a bit, if I got caught I would be executed like the five member family all those years ago. I would be executed publicly and marked as a traitor. Not only that but if I was caught my sister would go down with me.

"I should tell the Main, they would hopefully leave me alone and my family. " I think.

"But then I would be viewed as a traitor to L'manberg." I also thought.

"We already are traitors to Sub Terra."

I wrapped my tail around myselfs as the air around me became stiff and cold. I never wanted to be a traitor, all I wanted to do was pick people. When they took Tommy away, I kind of just snapped. I'm not as crazy as Wilbur but I wanted to bring Tommy home. He's like the annoying little brother that you wanted to stab at times but you love them too much to actually do it. It also didn't make sense to me, Tommy was never a blood thirsty person, he was actually very kind when he wanted to be. He actually is the one that found me hiding in the wall, took me home, and gave me a place, until Nicki took me under her wing as a sister.

"Doesn't matter anymore, you are a traitor at the end of the story."

"Yeah I guess I am." I groaned while keeping my head down as I walked.

I hated that I got wrapped in all this just because apparently Philza showed a picture of me to Dream, and ever since he's been in my head. Telling me what's been going on the top, telling me how to lie, and of course how to protect myself. He also told me the truth about the Game. Told me Tommy was alive and he's taking good care of him. All that I had to do to help keep Tommy alive was do what he saids.

"A parasite that no one would notice but will feel when the walls are broken." He had said to me one night.

It was kind of funny, Dream lives in my head rent free, just to tell me what I had to do to help make this war come to an end.

I didn't even realize I was home, until I opened the mettle door feeling the much colder air hitting me. I looked around the hold house, old furniture, a broken bookshelf, and a cheap couch is what we used for the living room. It wasn't much but it was home. I sat down on the couch, unbuckling my boots when footsteps came out of the small bedroom that's Nicki. And speaking of the devil, it was Nicki who came out of the room.

"Ranboo!" She squeaked as she sat down pulling me in a hug.

I mocked back, "Nicki!"

We hugged a bit before she pulled away, "How was work? Did anybody try to hurt you again? Do I have to go fight someone-"

"I'm fine, work was awful as usual but nothing to strang."

I bent back down to take off my boots again but Nicki stopped me. I turned back toward her, only to tilt my head a bit. Her lips were in a tight line, and her eyes were screaming of pure panic and worry. I tensed up as I turned my body to look at her better.

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