Chapter 3: His Name, is Mycroft Holmes

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        Over the year or two that they had known they were family, Jenna and River tried to get together as much as they could. Sure, they had hung out before she had regenerated, but now they felt they had some time to make up for.

        So, when ever they got a chance to meet up (usually whenever she broke out of Stormcage), they would get together for lunch. It just so happened a couple days after her run in with the mysterious man in the warehouse, Jenna had gotten a call from her niece to meet her at a restaurant just a block or so from her flat.

        "So," The blonde smirked, watching as the ginger took a seat across from her. "How has your week been?" The look on her face made it clear the Doctor had explained everything to her before he had dropped her off. Still, the young woman let out an annoyed huff.

        "Oh, normal." She started, though she was frowning. "As normal as being kidnapped and driven to a some remote location to be interrogated can be." Clearly, she was not yet over the little encounter with the man. 

        "You are aware who you are friends with?" River raised an eye brow. To say her Aunt should be used to be kidnapped by now was an understatement. It just happened to be one of those occupational hazards that came with traveling with the Doctor. 

       "I am but," She grumbled, shaking her head. "It's different. At least with the Doctor I have an idea of who is after me and why." To say that the experience had left her a little uncomfortable would be an understatement. 

        While in the moment she had appeared calm, shortly afterwards, while in the TARDIS, she had a minor freak out. She had absolutely no clue who that man, but the fact that he could look up her and Amy's past unnerved her. Not to mention he seemed to have the means to hire a vehicle to follow her after her classes. It took the Doctor a good while to calm her down before returning her to her flat. 

        "Speaking of which," The curly haired woman smirking, causing the ginger to give her a curious look. "I found something that may interest you. But first." She waved the waiter over, laughing at the glare she had received. 

        "Alright, we have our food." Jenna said, giving her an irritated look. "What did you find?" Laughing, the blonde pulled a small file from her bag. Admittedly a small file, but a file none the less. Handing it over, she watched as the 'younger' woman opened it, eyebrow raising at the picture.

         It was the mysterious man, dressed in yet another impeccable three piece suit. This time, however, the suit was closer to black or very dark blue in colour (pinstriped yet again though) and he wore a yellow tie. Over top of everything was a longer trench coat, and it looked as if he was just about to open up his umbrella. Now that she wasn't staring him straight down, nor as irritated, Jeanetta took the moment to study him a little more. His hairline was receding ever so slightly, hinting at his age, and a rather dark shade of ginger. Piercing, icy blue, eyes stood out against his pale skin and she knew first hand that they could stare straight through you. What caused her eyebrows to scruntch together, though, was where the photo appeared to be taken. Right in front of 221B Baker Street, as if he was leaving the flat.

          "His name," River smirked, a little amused by the facial expressions the ginger woman had given while studying the picture. "Is Mycroft." She let her flipped to the next picture, before continuing. "Mycroft Holmes."

          Sure enough, the next pictured appeared to be taken by a hospital, and once again was of the well dressed man. But this time, he wasn't alone. Beside him was a rather tall man, with equally as blue eyes and very curly, very messy, dark hair. He was dressed in a trench coat, the collar turned up in an effort to make him appear cooler. It didn't take her niece telling her fro Jenna to know who it was. After all, John had already told her of their adventures.

         "Sherlock Holmes' brother."

         "Correct." River smiled, taking the file back after it was briefly flipped through. "It appears that he seems to be looking after those closest to his brother, even after his death." 

          "It appears." She sighed, rubbing her temple. "Dear God, I should have known." Now that she thought about it, it should have been obvious who it was the moment she had gotten the phone call. During one of their tea times, John had told how the eldest Holmes had pulled a similar stunt with him. 

          "Well, it explains how he had access to your's and Mum and Dad's records." She pointed out, putting the file away. "What was it Dr. Watson had said Sherlock called him in the blog?"

          "The British Government, I believe." She groaned. It all made sense now. The access to the street cameras. The car and warehouse. How he knew about Amy's psychiatrists. Being able to track their disappearances. "And I told him to piss off."

          "Now, I can't imagine you saying that." River laughed. Her Aunt was to nice (not to mention a little shy) to tell some one off, even while angry. 

           "Maybe not outright." She sighed. "But it was definitely insinuated. Not to mention I walked off right into the TARDIS and more or less vanished."

           It was a wonder why armed men hadn't turned up at her door yet. If she is as much a threat to John as this Mycroft seemed to believe she was, some one should have dealt with her already. He certainly had the means to have something like that carried out.

           Seeing the thoughts going through her Aunt's head, River quickly reached across the table and grabbed her hand.

          "Relax." She rubbed the back of it with her thumb slightly. "He hasn't done anything yet, and if he tries to the Doctor will know immediately. " Slowly, the ginger took a deep breath an nodded. "Now, how about we get some of that chocolate cake over there and put Mr. Holmes out of our mind for a little bit?"


          By the time the two woman had parted ways, a good couple of hours later, River had succeed in calming her Aunt down a little. She had even convinced her that the likely hood of running into Mycroft Holmes again was relatively slim. After all, if he indeed was the 'British Government' then he would be far to busy to worry about her for long.

         So, with that thought it mind, Jeanetta stepped out of the cab, a soft smile on her lips and a box of cake in her hands. She had ended up buying a few extra pieces for later, two slices in which she had decided would go to John and Mrs. Hudson. 

         After paying the cabbie, the ginger walked over to the door, frowning at the door knocker. Once again, it appeared to have been straightened. She had noticed that occasionally when she got back from class or shopping that it'd be like. And every time, she would adjust it so it was slightly off again. Never sure why though, it just felt like it should be like that to her. 

         Upon going inside, she decided then rather head back to her own flat, she'd pop up to see John. He should have been back from work by then, and she felt she should let him know of the recent development with his late friends bother. 

         As per usual, the door to the flat was wide open. Not thinking anything off it, Jenna didn't knock, but just walked right on in.

          "I see you're home John. How was the clinic?" Walking into the kitchen, she deposited the box on the table, before turning to look into the living room. "I met up with a friend and brought home so-" Once looking into the room, she trailed off at seeing who was sitting with the doctor. "Cake."

          There, sitting across from the shorter man, was the well dressed man she had just been talking to River about no more than an hour earlier. And while she momentarily froze, he simply smirked at her.

          "Hello Miss Pond."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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