Falling asleep in a Protogen's embrace

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"...and the weather for tomorrow is-" "Another goal scored by-" "On tonight's episode of-'' I sighed. There weren't any good shows on this late at night. 'Maybe I should just go to bed,' I thought. Yeah, that seemed like a good idea. I went over to the bathroom to clean myself up. My brown hair glistened in the light, and I saw my emerald green eyes staring back at me. I blinked and my reflection blinked too. I started brushing my teeth and thinking about what I have to do tomorrow. Well, tomorrow IS a Saturday, so I technically don't have to do anything, but I always like to try to do things anyway. I spat out the toothpaste and water into the sink and washed my toothbrush. I started to head over to my room in my small apartment, but I stop when I see a streak of blue light out of my window. I think nothing of it until I notice that it is getting closer. I run over to my window and see it crash into the forest behind my apartment building. I contemplate whether I should go investigate it.

You know, forests are a lot scarier at night than they are in the daytime. "Hopefully whatever the thing that crashed here isn't hostile," I said aloud. My flashlight shook in my hands, and my palms were sweaty, despite it being 45 degrees. I kept walking along the trail until I see out of the corner of my eye a little bit of blue light. I turn to my right and see the blue light. I start walking towards it and it starts getting bigger. After about 30 seconds of walking, I see a sort of space ship looking aircraft. I had a large thruster on the back, with small thrusters surrounding it. The lights on it emminated a blue glow, but they seemed to be fading out. It was too dark to see anything else. As I was walking around, I notice a glowing red button. I push it. I hear a door open to my right and smoke starts to billow out. I can hear a bunch of beeping and mechanical whirring, most likely due to this thing crashing. After the smoke clears, I look inside the spacecraft. My eyes landed upon..something? I stepped inside to get a better look at the thing. It looked like a bipedal robot animal. It had green fur and white metal parts. I looked at what I assumed to be its visor and saw nothing. Maybe it was asleep? Or was it dead?

I stepped back out of the spacecraft and thought to myself, 'What is this thing? Why is it here? Where did it come from?' So many questions raced through my mind yet I doubted most of them would be answered. One question did stick out though, 'Should I bring it back to my house?' I don't just want to leave it here. Fine, I'll bring it back home. I go back in and pick up the thing. "Damn this thing is heavy," I said. I put it over my shoulder and grab my flashlight and start to make my way back home,

I step inside my apartment and set it down on the couch. I look at it, now being able to see it in more light. It actually looks kind of cute. Why do you think it's cute? I don't know, it just looks cute, I can't explain why. Uh huh. I look over at the clock and see that it's 1:30 AM. 'Holy hell it is late.' I walk over to my room and glance at the thing one last time before closing the door and climbing into bed.

As I lay there, thinking about what has just happened, I slowly succumb to the sweet, dark void of unconsciousness.


I jolt awake at the sudden sound and turn my head to the door. What caused that sound? I get up out of bed and walk over to my door. I open it and see the thing in the kitchen. Its head turns and looks at me. I close my door and turn around. 'Holy crap, the thing is awake! What is it doing, why is-' My thoughts were cut short as I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly run over to my closet and hide in it. I heard it open the door and start walking towards the closet. My heart is pounding against my chest. It opens the door. I started to scream but my screams were cut short as a paw was placed over my mouth.

"Hey hey hey, shh, it's going to be okay. I'm not going to hurt you," It says. It's voice was masculine and slightly high-pitched.

I only started at it with disbelief.

"I am going to take my paw off your mouth but I don't want you screaming okay?"

I nodded.

It removed its paw from my mouth and I backed further into the closet.

"Hey buddy where are you going? I said I wasn't going to hurt you," It said as he smiled warmly.

I was conflicted. My body was telling me to not trust him, but my mind was telling me that he seemed friendly. I decided to go with my brain and trust him. He seemed alright. I crawled out back towards him.

"Need any help up?" He asked.

"No I'm good," I said.

I walked past him and out towards the living room. I turned on the lights so I could see and sat down on the couch. He soon followed and sat down next to me.

"So, I want to ask you some questions, is that alright?" I said. "That's alright, go ahead," he said.

"Who are you?" I asked. "My designation is EG-7351, but I prefer Evergreen." He said. "I see. Ok, next question, what are you?" "I am a Protogen, a species created to explore space and whatnot." "Alright, last question, what are you doing here?" "I'm not sure, I fell asleep in the escape pod and then woke up on your couch." "Interesting...wait, escape pod?" I questioned. "I'd rather not talk about that right now," he said. I nodded. This was a lot to take in. I had some alien crash behind my apartment, I took him in, and now he is talking to me. What a night.

After sitting in silence for a minute or two, I hadn't realized I was shivering. I guess I forgot to adjust the thermostat.

"Hey, you look pretty cold, I can warm you up if you'd like," asked Evergreen. I looked over at him and contemplated the offer. He did look very fluffy and warm, and I didn't feel like getting up to grab a blanket. "Sure, that'd be nice," I said. He scooted closer and wrapped his large furry tail around me. He then pulled me closer to his body and I immediately started feeling warmer. His soft fur on my face, as well as his tail wrapped around me. It was like a large pillow.

"Are you enjoying this?" He asked. "Yes, very much," I said. "I thought so," he said, chuckling.

I lay there next to him. I felt my eyes start to get heavy, and I hadn't realized I was drifting off. Falling asleep in a Protogens embrace, how interesting. I closed my eyes and let the sweet embrace of sleep take over.

A Protogen's MisadventuresOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant