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A short man walked into a large room decorated with red carpets and “trophies”, with large, expansive windows overlooking the planet below.

“Uh, boss? I gotta tell you something,” said the man. A large chair by the windows swiveled around and revealed the “Boss”. He was a mysterious man, few knew him personally, and those that did were most likely dead. He had only joined the Galactic Mining Corporation, or GMC for short, a couple years ago, but he had risen through the ranks substantially fast due to his unparalleled coordination and leadership. He oversaw all of the mining operations and prisons and ran the Space Hub, where all of the planning took place. He also looked the part of a businessman. He wore a fine black suit, and grey business pants. He always looked pale, but maybe that was the natural skin tone of a Manager. He also had a sort of aura around him, as whenever you were in his presence, it felt as if he was digging into your soul and crushing it.

“What is it? I don’t have much time to talk,” said the Boss. “Have you heard about Planet 3526-UB, or “Haven”, imploding?” blurted the man. “Of course I have, nothing new to me,” said the Boss with a neutral tone. “Well there is something else,” said the man. This got the attention of the Boss, and he looked at the man skeptically. “What is it?” asked the Boss. “Well, when everyone was evacuating, a prisoner escaped with one of the escape pods,” replied the man. “Oh, that is nothing special, who was it?” questioned the Boss. “Footage received before the implosion shows a protogen using an escape pod. This protogen was later identified as EG-7351,” finished the man. “Wait, HE escaped? How could you let this happen?!” yelled the Boss. “What is so important about him?” asked the man. “Do you want the long version or the short version?” questioned the Boss. “Long version,” replied the man. “Alright, it all started before we invaded their planet…”

Haven was a welcoming place. It was a bustling society with a lot of diversity. It was almost like Earth, just less polluted, and more...taken care of. Before we invaded, we sent some “Associates” down to investigate the planet and find the best mining spot. When we were setting up everything, we had a temporary database connected with the SH. As it turns out, EG-7351 was getting suspicious of us, so he decided to figure out what was going on. He had eventually found the computer connected with our database, and he had found everything. Plans for their planet, future plans for other planets, information about all of us, everything. This would’ve been detrimental to us as if the Intergalactic Police Force found out what was going on, our whole operation would’ve been shut down and would’ve had me arrested. Shortly after discovering all of this, some personnel assigned to the station found him going through everything. They arrested him and put him in a temporary prison while the main operation was being built. We  could’ve killed him, but he was a well known political figure, so we would have to keep him with us. Once everything was built and all of the people were imprisoned and sent to work, he remained in prison, slowly watching his planet crumble away.

“He is top priority and must be recaptured, who knows where he could’ve gone and what he could’ve told people,” said the Boss. “Can you run a scan for that escape pod and figure out where it went?” “Right away sir!” said the man. The man scurried out of the room and closed the door. The Boss swiveled back to the window and stared at the planet outside. It was uninhabitable and had no resources but it made for a nice view, and a good place to put a space station. He sighed. Only he knew the true origins of EG-7351, or...Evergreen.


“Very tragic Evergreen, I’m sorry that happened,” I said. “Don’t be sorry Jack, it wasn’t your fault,” said Evergreen with a sad look on his visor. “Hey, I know something that can cheer you up!” I said excitedly. “What is that?” he said with a brighter look on his face. “We can go on a walk! That always helps me feel better, I also know a trail barely anyone goes on that has very scenic views,” I smiled. “That sounds perfect, just how will we get there?” he questioned. “It's not too far from here, we can just drive there,” I said. “Oh, I see. Well let’s get going then!” he said enthusiastically. I noticed his tail swishing back and forth, it was adorable. Wait, did I just think he was adorable? I blushed a little bit at the thought, but didn’t think too much about it. I got ready and we headed out of my apartment and towards the car. We moved quickly as we didn’t want people to see us. We both got into the car and I grabbed my phone. I pulled up Waze and inputted the destination.

“What’s that?” asked Evergreen. “Oh, it's just a popular GPS app. I use it to help me navigate around the place. Very handy. It says we’ll be there in 45 minutes, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the car ride,” I said. “Will do.” he said. He turned and started looking out the window. He looked so fascinated with everything. He was cute. Why do I keep making remarks like that? I brushed away the thought and started up a conversation.

“So, you look quite fascinated with everything, why’s that?” I questioned. “Well I just like seeing what other species have done with their planet. You guys seemed to have done a lot, good and bad,” he said. “Yeah, we aren’t so good with the whole pollution thing, but we have a lot of other cool things, such as the seven wonders of the world, or netflix,” I said. He chuckled. “Yes, Netflix is definitely one of the wonders of the world,” he joked. I laughed. “Good one,” I smiled.

I pulled into the parking lot and shut off the car. “Alright buddy, we are here,” I said. “Sweet, about time,” he said. “You ready Evergreen?” I asked. “Ready as I’ll ever be!” he said confidently. “I like the enthusiasm. Alright, let's get going.” I said. 

Little did we know, something was waiting for us on the trail…


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I wonder what will happen to our duo? You’ll find out soon!

As this is my second story ever published on wattpad, please let me know if there are any mistakes or ways I can improve. Always trying to be the best for you guys!

Also, I would like to thank yall for 200 reads! Like that's insane! I didn’t not think we would hit such a goal, and also #2 in protogen? That is crazy!

Anyways, I will see all of you in the next chapter, goodbye!

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