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Me and Jack were walking down the trail. It was beautiful. The green trees, and sounds of nature, the blue sky, everything. I was so entranced by our surroundings that I didn’t notice Jack trying to ask me something. “Evergreen, you there?” Jack asked. “Oh sorry, yes I am. Just admiring our surroundings,” I said. “I can tell,” he chuckles. “Anyways, we are nearing the part that I am really excited to show you,” he says. “Oh really? How far?” I question. “Only a couple more minutes of walking,” he says. “Oh man, can’t wait!” I say excitedly.

After a couple of minutes, we get to this huge opening, with some waterfalls further down, Multiple types of flowers can be seen. It was amazing. “Wow, this is unreal!” I say, my mouth wide open. “Heh, I knew you’d like it. Come one, let's go look at the waterfalls up close,” he says. He starts to walk towards the edge where the waterfalls can be seen. I follow quickly behind him. He sits down a couple of feet away from the edge overlooking the waterfall. I sit down next to him.

“It’s really something, huh,” Jack says. “Yeah, it's amazing,” I say. As we are both sitting there, I feel something grab my hand. I look down and see that Jack had grabbed my hand. I immediately start blushing. I look over at him and see he is blushing too. We make eye contact and he releases his hand. I immediately start long for it again. What is this feeling?

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” he says. “Hey don’t be sorry, I wasn’t expecting it either,” I say. “Well, I think it’s about time we go back, it looks like it's getting late,” he says. “Oh, alright then,” I say. I was a little disappointed we had to leave, but I understand why.

We make our way back through the trail and to the car. I open the door and sit down. He starts up the car and I let the soft rumble of the engine lull me to sleep.

I woke up in complete darkness. I started panicking. What happened? Where was I? All of a sudden, a bright light was turned on. I looked around and saw that I was tied down to a chair. I looked over and saw a figure standing in the shadows. “We finally caught up to you EG-7351,” said a low voice. It sounded familiar. “Don’t recognize my voice? How about I step into the light a little more,” it said. The figure then revealed itself. “N-No, it can’t be,” I said. It was him. The “Boss” or as his enemies know him, Dr. Tenebris. “ that I finally have you here, I can open you up, and figure out what made you steal our information,” he said menacingly. He grabbed a hammer. “Now, let's get this visor off,” he said. I tried screaming but no sounds came out.

I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around and realized I was back in Jack’s apartment. I also noticed that I was shaking profusely. ‘Thank god, it was just a nightmare,’ I thought. Why did it seem so real though? My questions would remain unanswered unfortunately. I was still scared, so I decided to see if I could sleep with Jack.

I go to his room and silently open the door. I walk over to him and lightly tap his shoulder. His eyes flutter open and he looks up at me groggily. “What’s up buddy?” he says tiredly. “I had a nightmare and I’m still a little shaken up so I was wondering if I-I could uh-” “Sleep with me?” he finishes. “Y-Yes,” I say, blushing. “I don’t see why not, hop in,” he says. “T-Thanks a lot,” I say. I walk over to the other side and get in bed. Jacks turns over to face me. “Hey Evergreen, can I ask you something?” he questions. “Sure, what is i-” I was interrupted by Jack starting to pet my head. It was bliss. I had the feeling of utmost security and tranquility. “You like it buddy?” he says. “Yes, very. Please continue,” I say. He chuckles, “If you say so.”


Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it!
I would like to thank you guys for over 300 reads?! Like my story can’t be THAT good.
I would also like to thank the comments you guys have been leaving, as they have been really motivating me to continue this story!
This one is a little on the shorter side, but hopefully it's still good enough!

Also, pleave leave feedback on the story, as it really helps keep me motivated and lets me know if you guys are enjoying the story!

One more thing, do you guys prefer the upload schedule for chapters as how it is right now? or would you want 2 chapters a week instead of one? Let me know which one in the comments!

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