21 || dresses

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I WOKE UP THE NEXT DAY, FULL OF ENERGY. The beds in Mount Weather were so much more comfortable than anything I had ever slept on. I went into the big communal bathroom that was attached to the dorm and had a nice, warm shower. It had been so long since I had a real shower. The showers in the Sky Box were cold and we were only allowed five minutes each. And obviously there's no showers in the woods, just the freezing cold lake which we were barely allowed to go to, anyways.

After my shower, I changed into the same pastel blue dress I was wearing yesterday since it wasn't dirty and I was used to wearing the same thing every day. I put on a pair of white socks with some white buckle shoes which were a little bit big for me.

"Hey, Harper," I smiled and sat beside Harper, who was untying her hair from the braid it was in last night.

"Hey, kid," Harper greeted back. "Come here, I'll braid your hair."

I grinned and sat in front of her on the bed. "Just like old times, huh?" I giggled. Harper used to do my hair every day up in the sky box. She always said my hair was perfect for her to practice on.

"Just like old times." I could hear the smile in her voice. "Hey, Jess, what time is it?" Harper asked Jess, who was playing cards with Fox on the floor next to us.

"Seven, why?" Jess answered, glancing at the clock on the wall that was out of our view.

"Wow, Monty's been asleep for fifteen hours. That has to be some kind of record, right?" The blonde replied.

Harper finished my hair in no time. She styled it into two braids, just like she used to.

"Thanks, Harper," I chirped.

"No problem, kid. I'm starving, they have breakfast here, right?" Harper changed the subject. I giggled with a nod.

"Thank God," Jess groaned in relief. "After you eat a meal like last night, your body just wants more and more." 

I wasn't particularly hungry. My tummy was probably still full from the feast I had last night. I ate a big bowl of the stew they were serving, plus I had seconds and some ice cream for dessert. Maybe I could just have something small for breakfast. 

"Miller!" A boy exclaimed. Everyone turned their heads toward the door where Miller was walking in, accompanied by Maya.

"Hey, Miller!" I smiled  and waved from our bunk. He grinned back.

"Hey, kid," He chuckled lightly before talking to Clarke, who had still been acting a little bit strange.

"C'mon, T, I don't wanna miss breakfast!" Jess tugged on my arm.

"Jess, breakfast ends at ten-thirty," I chuckled.

"Yeah, what's your point?" Jess shrugged. We both giggled and the four of us headed to breakfast. Harper, Jess and Fox didn't really know the way and since I had been here longer, I ended up leading the way.

We made it to the Mess Hall and there were many more people than I had expected in there, considering it was so early. All of the grown ups must've been having breakfast before work, and all of the kids were eating before school. 

Jess immediately started piling her plate, Fox and Harper soon doing the same. Jess stacked three flat sugary bread things on her plate. I think I heard someone call them 'pancakes'.

Suddenly, Ruth, Amber and Melanie came up to us, more specifically, came up to me.

"Hey, Tahlia. You weren't at school yesterday, is everything alright?" Ruth asked. Her frizzy hair was tied up in two buns on either side of her head. She was wearing an old orange dress with a beige cardigan over it.

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