"Who knew that Malfoy would fall for someone as sweet as you Grier," said Fred as he chewed on the licorice wand he just pulled from his bag.

I gazed out the window with a slight laugh, "Honestly, I wonder the same thing." I couldn't help but over-analyze the words of Fred as the train glided through the countryside, where the sunshine diminished into thick clouds that protruded my very thoughts.

"Ohhh, Grier. My my what do we have here?" Said Fred with a devilish grin as he slowly removed the Slytherin sweatshirt that Draco had given me.


He stood up, bringing the sweatshirt to his torso as if he were imagining it was his, "This would look quite nice on me you know."

He winked at me, but before I could expel an excuse for its presence in my bag, he bolted out of our compartment, raising the garment above his head like a flag.

My eyes widened as I myself ran out to follow him, in a desperate attempt to minimize the damage he was about to cause. Then again, the whole school had seen Draco and I leave the ball together.

"Bloody hell Fred, give that back to me, you filthy plague stricken rat!" I yelled after him. I could see the bewildered faces of students as Fred and I passed them. I'm sure we were quite hilarious to watch.

"You're gonna have to catch me first little Hufflepuff."

I could tell we were quickly approaching the booths at the end of the train, which was where Draco and the other Slytherins usually sat.

Merlin knows how this is going to end when Draco sees Fred in possession of his sweatshirt, which still billowed behind the ginger.

I could see his blond head of hair turn to face the commotion that Fred and I had contrived... mostly Fred.

Being so distracted, I hadn't noticed Fred stop right in front of the booth Draco was sitting at, all alone I might add.

I was even more shocked to see Fred lean down and whisper something in Draco's ear, to which Draco nodded... with a smile on his face. I thought he hated the Weasleys.

My head was pulled in all different directions when I approached the boys and Fred extended the sweatshirt in my direction. Grabbing it, Fred slipped past me with a sly grin. My deadly glance not leaving the boy.

"You have some interesting friends Grier," Draco said with a small laugh, which sent butterflies to my stomach. I slid into the seat across from him, watching his every move as I clenched the sweatshirt in my hands.

Lowering my head I said, "You could definitely say that." I watched as heavy rain began to fall against the glass window, my brain mirroring the muddled effects.

"You okay beautiful?" Whispered Draco, making me look into his handsome gaze.

"I feel off. I can't put my finger on it, but something is going to happen... I can feel it bubbling in my chest. Maybe I'm a witch," I joked, but with hints detectable unease.

At this Draco narrowed his eyes and moved to sit beside me. Kissing my forehead he said, "I know that I'll be a bit a ways from you, but I won't let anything happen."

I leaned against him like I'd crumble without his presence as his chin rested on the top of my head. He reached into the pocket of the black blazer he wore, pulling out a small black velvet box before handing it to me.

"What is this?" I said, bewilderment running through my words.

"Just open it," Draco whispered against my ear as I slowly grabbed it from him.

I gasped when I saw the content within the elegant box. A gold banded ring with a large opal in the center and eight smaller stones surrounding it. Bewilderment and awe laced my expression as I simply stared down at the stunning ring. 

"It's opal," I exclaimed, my mind numb with shock, "like my birthstone."

He nodded at my observation as he slid it onto the middle finger of my right hand. I spread my fingers to further look at the piece of jewelry dazzling on my digit. Merlin have me. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes upon. 

It was a perfect fit.

"Something to remember me by, my love... for these next few weeks," his soft expression sent chills down my body as his eyes bore into my soul. 

I opened my mouth slightly with the intent to thank Merlin for what he had given me, but I was simply dumbstruck at his gesture. "I- Draco. It's absolutely beautiful." A soft sigh escaped my lips. "Thank you."

Draco brushed his lips softly against my ear. "Merry Christmas, Grier. I don't know what I would do without you." I closed my eyes, letting myself savor these last moments together, pretending the rest of the world simply ceased to exist. 

Forever was at our fingertips.

A/N: Everybody go give wattpadsuggestions720 on TikTiok some love... I'll love you forever

Book 1: Of Thorns & Rosesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें