21: Good Girl

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A/N: *Mature content*

I slowly woke to the sound of rain pattering against the window of my dorm. Lazily opening my eyes, I immediately noticed his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled in obvious pleasure as the dust around the room danced like starlight at midnight.

"Good morning beautiful," mumbled Draco in his raspy morning voice.

Rolling over to face him, I whispered, "Good morning." He softly kissed my forehead and trailed flaming kisses down my body.

I shivered at the contact, "You know, this is your last morning alone since everyone comes back from break today," Draco said through a smirked expression.

I bit my lip in response and inched closer to his body. He quickly noticed my silent understanding of his comment as he crashed his lips against my own in a whirl of unwavering love.

My hands silently roamed the length of his body in all of its glory. Merlin, he was perfect... for me. Each of his flaws I had embraced and realized as admiration.

My soft hand landed on the thin fabric of his boxers as I rubbed against his growing bulge. Slowly, I lowered the waistband, which was accompanied with a reluctant moan against my neck.

Grinning to myself, I moved my hand along his length as grunts of appreciation escaped his lips. I quickened my pace, yearning for his yelps of cherishment against my skin and whispers of my name that flew into the clouded sky.

I kissed his neck as his hands massaged my breasts, which released moans from me. He soon poured himself onto my hand in a frenzy of intermingled elation and bliss.

He pressed my body further against my bed as his hand wrapped against my wrists to keep me pinned.

Lowering his lips to be level with my ear he whispered, "You're going to be a good girl. Alright?"

My breathing escaped in powerful huffs as I nodded, "Yes sir." His hand still hadn't released from my wrists once he began to push his fingers in between my heat in a jumbled motion of love and euphoria.

Moans forcefully escaped my shaking lips as he quickened his pace and his name filled the air. I rocked my own hips into his touch and collided my lips against his, overwhelming my senses with him. Always him.

My breaths quickened as his pace synchronized. There was a building of profound bliss deep within my bones that shook my core in a perfect storm.

Screams of his name ruptured from me as my legs quaked underneath his touch. I soon poured myself onto the sheets and his touch.

"Don't stop," I whispered as a smirk spread across Draco's intriguing lips.

He crossed the room to his discarded pants from last night and reached into the pocket, pulling out a thin silk piece of fabric. Hovering against my still shaking body, he tied the fabric around my head to cover my eyes.

I was engulfed into a sea of darkness, with only his touch to guide me into the ecstasy that he so effortlessly conjured within me.

I felt his fingertips dance upon my skin as his lips grazed my own. With nothing keeping us apart, I instantly felt his length touch my delicate heat, and I automatically arched my back into his body.

Unannounced, he plunged himself into my body, leaving me breathless. And it was just getting started.

He swayed into me, leading me further into oblivion as I imitated his motions to deepen the sensation. I let the actions possess my body and lead me further into the intimate act.

The fact that I couldn't see him only intensified the feelings that rolled over me. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, leading him closer against my body.

Our wild noises mingled in shared rapture as lovers and something far more intimate. We rocked together like we were one. The epitome of devotion and tenderness in a moment shared with two souls who lived for each other.

My moans escaped into the stuffy air and swirled around as a sacrament of what we meant to each other.

Through the pleasured clamoring of our breaths I whimpered, "I love you." Though I couldn't see his face, the caresses of his hands and the rocking of his hips whispered the same.

"I love you always Grier," he grunted through sharp breaths and glistening skin. My own hands wandered his body, memorizing each muscled limb through the darkness of my blindfold, "Stay still love," he muttered as he softly grasped my wrists, elevating it to reach the bedpost. He then tied my limb to the structure... then the other.

His lips wandered down my neck as he mumbled, "Good girl." A smile spread across my lips as his breaths and touches tickled my skin. But nothing compared to the sensation that spread across every inch of me, every part of my insides.

He was mine. I was his.

The effortless notions and actions that we experience together brought us closer like never before. My love for him bled into every bone, muscle, and cell as he was all I needed.

I could feel the burning climax itch for relief as we quickened our pace in perfect synchronicity. Skin against skin.

I strained against the makeshift handcuffs as my hands were eager to roam his body. His lips smirked against the sensitive skin of my neck as he pumped in and out of me in quickening paces.

My whimpers of admiration were evident as my body reached its max. I arched my back and clenched my hands into fists as the sensation covered every part of me like a blanket. My screams echoed throughout the room, and Draco's grunts overlapped in prominent release, like my own.

We collapsed into each other as he untied my silken manacles.

I had never felt such love as we released ourselves into each other. 

A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS LOVELIES!!! I hope today and tomorrow are filled with nothing but happiness <3  

Book 1: Of Thorns & RosesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin