Sonic, Classic Sonic, Y/N, and Zero charge at the Death Egg Robot.


Y/N and Zero glare at the Death Egg Robot as Sonic and Classic Sonic separate to different direction in case the robot tried to escape.

"He's overclocking the Phantom Ruby! That's insane!" Tails yelled over the radio.

"No regular tool can damage it now!" Rouge spoke. "You're our last chance."

"This is it. Let's finish this so I could get Eggman out of my hair." Zero said in determination.

Y/N was about to step forward when she suddenly started to feel a little dizzy. Zero noticed this and quickly held her.

"Whoa. You okay?"

"Sorry... I just feel overwhelmed..."

"Hey, Y/N? You alright? I thought there's something wrong with you." Amy asked over the radio.

"Yeah, you good?" Knuckles asked.

"I'm fine. It's just... We're so close to winning, but can I really do this?" Y/N asked, wrapping her arm around Zero who looks at her in concern.

"Relax..." Shadow spoke. "Stay vigilant. It's not over yet."

"Shadow..." Y/N said softly, making Zero scoff at Shadow's advice.

"You've got this!" Tails spoke.

"Keep your head on straight, Y/N!" Vector spoke.

"Our future hangs in the balance!" Silver spoke.

"Please! Come back in one piece!" Amy spoke.

"We're counting on you." Espio spoke.

"Smash 'em all to pieces!" Knuckles spoke.

"Even you should be able to pull that off." Shadow spoke, making Y/N smile with a hint of blush on her cheeks.

Zero rolls his eyes, feeling jealous of Shadow.

"Guys... I'm so lucky to have friends like them... So much like the ones waiting for me back home..."

"Yeah... Sometimes I wish I have friends..." Zero said, looking down as if reminded of his Jackal Squad.

Y/N immediately grabbed his hand and made him turn to her.

"You already have."

Zero then couldn't help but tear up and hug her. This surprised her and she hugged him back.

"So... you're not from here, huh?"

"Yeah. Somehow I was teleported here for a reason."

"Well, I'm glad you came."

"Me too."

Zero and Y/N then pulled away and faced the Death Egg Robots as it crashes to the floor where Zero and Y/N are standing. Looks like Classic Sonic took care of that robot. Now it's their turn.

"Ready?" Y/N asked.


Death Egg Robot slowly got up and saw Zero and Y/N glaring at it.

"Go on, Y/N! I know you can do this!" Vector spoke over the radio.

"Our fate is in your hands!" Silver spoke.

Y/N and Zero dodges the rockets the robot had blasted. The robot raises its giant right hand and punched the floor. This gave them a chance as Y/N uses her grappling hook and kicks the red spot on its chest as Zero helps her out. The Death Egg Robot flinches back from the hard impact which they now know where its weak spot is. It summons robots while blasting out more rockets towards Y/N and Zero.

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