Still a SECRET ? ><

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hihihi :3 Still 25 fans ! Okay lng :) Dame silent readers sa kabila :D BTW, Enjoy !

Chapter 15 is so so out ><

Your POV

what is Greyson's gift to me ? wonder what is it..

"it is... ugh.. I can't when your birthday comes." he said.

"what ? Please ! please please please please !! Say it to me.."

"when your birthday comes, okay ? Be a good girl."

"okay..." *sad face*

"Baby ! don't be sad ! please ? I will be sad too." *pouts*

"(smiles) okay.. so, what to do ?"

"let's play !"

"what game ?"


"what ? in my room ?"

"no ! in every part of your house."

"my house is big !"

"the bigger the better ! quick ! who will hide ?"

"me ! and you will find me :P"

"okay ! quick ! hide wherever you want, and I will find you."

"okay !"

then, he started counting.

"10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. okay! here I come, Baby !"

I hid at my parents room. it was located at the 4th floor. can he find me ? :D

"Baby ? where are you ?" I heard him going up to the 4th floor. Shoot ! I have to be silent. :x

"Baby ? are you here ?" then he opened the door of my parents room. I'm under the bed actually. Hahah ! xD

"Baby ? hmm, where she could be ?"

then he laughed. O_O maybe he knows already where I am ! ><

"ahh ! Now I know where Baby is. Hahaha."

then, I noticed that I left my slippers under the bed ! not under the bed. uhh, near under the bed.

"Baby... come out now, I know where you are .. Hahah.."

then I didn't spoke anything.

"Baby... here I come.. ahahah."

O_O SISTAR ! Help me ! ><

suddenly, Greyson tickled my feet. of course ! I burst out laughing. ><

"I said to you ! come out now !"

"G-Greyson ! S-Stop it ! it tickles !Hahaha !" ugh ! he keeps tickles me !

"don't want. come out first."

"I-I don't want ! please stop it ! I-" then I thought an idea. I pranked Greyson that I hit my head. ahaha but still, IT HURTS. TT.TT

Greyson's POV

we played HIDE EN SEEK.

at first I know where YN will hide. Of course ! her parents room were big. as in big. O_O

then I saw her slippers. Hahah easy to find. :D

then, I confirmed that she is under the bed.

I tickled her. wow, her Feet is her weakness.

'I-I don't want ! please stop it ! I-" then silence came.

"Baby ? Hey Baby ! what happened ?!"

I get her out of the bed. GAWD ! she hit her head.

"Baby ! baby ! wake up please ! I'm worried !"

ugh ! she's still not waking up. I'm so so worried. ><

'Baby.. Baby.. please, wake up.."

then I closed my eyes.


"huh ? Baby ? Baby ! thank God ! I thought you will not wake up."

"Silly Greyson ! I tricked you ! Hahaah !'

"what ? not again ! Baby... but I was still worried." I hugged her.

ugh ! it is only a prank. TT.TT

"thanks for your concern Baby ! but it still hurts.. OUCH."

"hahaha, don't ever do it again, okay ? I'm worried." then I kissed her forehead.

"okay ! and sorry too, co'z I tricked you, for the second time."

"it's okay.. but it still hurts ?"

"yeah.. ."

"lemme kiss it."

then I kissed her  head.

"Greyson... Lucky to have you."

"YN, Lucky to met you."

"I love you Baby."

"I love you too."

then I kissed her forehead.

SHORT UPDATE FIRST. O_O Magrereview pa sa perodical bukas ><


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Arigato Gozaimas !!!!~~~~

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