5. Fun, lost in blanks.

Start from the beginning

He straightened his spine, before replying.
"Don't know, just some guy at the party.
He turned to her direction.
"What's that smile...smirk for?

"Nothing, I'm happy that you're getting out there, and broadening your circle of friends."

"Kill it." He referred to the smirk brightening of Yve's face. "None else matters in my circle of me. One is a crowd," He gave her the 'you know what I mean' look "and two is a party I'd rather get hit by a truck than be part of."

"What about a threesome?"
She winked and giggled.

Adrian growled, and facepalmed.

"Hey Adrian!"
Mad Greg poofed up in front of him

He wanted to ignore her, but he had to set straight the horny stalker.

"Madd!" She turned to him, swelled with heated cheeks that he said her name out loud "We are nothing. Don't go around spreading false shit about us, or I swear I will break your bones."

"But you were so tender last night, your warm skin pressed against mine was urghhh."
The light brown ring of her eyes sunk into her upper lid, leaving the whites in view, upon the last throat breed word, expressively ruling out her desire of the night before.
"Call me sugar next time okay? I don't like dirty talks."
She taunted, and turned to Adrian's partner
"Hi Yve!"
She smiled, twinkled hi with her fingers.

Now turning her attention to Maddy, she mailed back another smile as fake as fuck, in cahoots with Maddy's.
"Lucky bitch,"
Yvette referenced Maddy kinky request immediately she walked away. Her voice was lost in between her teeth, as she jealously rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me?"
He was taken aback by the the unexpected retort of Yve's expression.

"She's lucky! Devon doesn't talk dirty,"
She had a stubborn lower lip pout smeared across her lips, while carefully avoiding Adrian's judging gaze.
"He's not the nicest at the heart, but he can get overly sensitive sometimes."
She brought her eyes to meet his completely uninterested look which begged to end the conversations.
"Some girls do like being treated like a -"

"Like a bitch?"
He stole the rest of her words, while statue-ing a brow firmly above the other.

She snickered.
"Loosen up a bit Aid, even my granny doesn't get this serious."

"Sarcasm!" he defended. "I was simply throwing off a sarcastic shade."

"You? Joke?" Her laugh looked stifled.
"That blonde nerd must have knitted life into you."
She launched forth her laughs.

He simply scoffed, and immediately the thoughts of the incidence few hours back dragged into his head. He felt stupid for acting out publicly. Shitty even -anything but remorse.

"Whatcha love birds talking about?"
Devon popped behind them like an actual ghost in a haunted house.

"The fuck!"

Like a scared cat, Adrian's skin crawled, and his hair went static. Of course, he didn't make it it noticeable.

"When - how did he get here?"

He watched Devon flip to their front, dragged a stool closer, and dropped on it. He had his hands under his chin, and this go-on-I'm-listening smile stretched on his face.

"Don't scare me like that Devon!"
Yve punched his arm.

"I thought you loved surprises?"
Devon giggled slowly.

Her first try at a response, was to issue another punch, which Devon dodged.
"I never said you should be a devil about it."
She rolled her eyes.

It took Devon some time before he could navigate to Adrian's direction. He eventually did.
"Hey man!"

Adrian responded, leaving behind all form of interest, and as well, ignored the shake Devon offered.

"So," Devon turned to Yvette. "The game? You don't plan bailing now... Right?"

"Urgh! Do I have a choice?"
She dropped her head on the table, clearly frustrated.

"Nope!" Devon sharply responded, and turned to meet more misfortune by Adrian.
"Man you joining us, right?"
He asked.

Before receiving a reply, instantly, Yvette sprawled up as though her sniped shot missed it's mark. She gestured at Devon to draw in a closer, as she reached out to his ear, and whispered.
"He's socially bankrupt,"

"The legendary Adrian McCleron?"
He pulled away in shock. Adrian noticed the tension, but preferred not too pry into whatever kinks they were planning.

"I plan on ditching him at the game," She continued, as he plan was to lure Adrian into a social circle.
"So he's basically in your care afterwards." She ended, and sealed the deal with a kiss on his cheek.

He pulled her face back in, and went for her ears. "I can't, we do not even talk,"
Adrian's ear caught upon the slightly higher pitch on the last word, and this time he turned to them to let them know that he could hear it too. Devon dialed down his tone, paving way for Yve to sink deeper into his ear, whispering. His face immediately lit up, bubbling excitement reeked on him.
"Okay. Fine!"
This time his voice wasn't subtle.

Yvette peeled away, and looked at Adrian.
"Shall we?"
Adrian's response stood atop the brow he arched. She got the hint, and let out a frustrated sigh before replying.
"The gym... Basketball? Remember?"

"I do not see how that concerns me."
He deadpanned.

"No questions, you're coming!"
She sprung up from the seat, and immediately the bell came along, ending the class. It looked timed, but she accredited it to her raw instinct.

They exited the class, and made their way to the gym.

"You play?"
Devon asked.

It was a direct question, aimed at him. When he noticed, he responded almost instantaneously.
"I did once, not anymore."

"What made you stop?"
He asked again.

Why did I stop? Jessie was why.
They both bonded over basketball, Adrian and Jessie. He was his hero on the court, and a role model Adrian looked up to even off the court. "We're all we've got lil Jay," 'Lil Jay: short for little Jordan ', Jessie called him that, because of his admiration Michael B. Jordan. "Mom ain't here, Dad is... You know, so we dudes gotta stick together."
"Together for life!" They both echoed, and shot right into a session of stomach hurting laughter.

Jessie's words dripped into his mind, and he felt the memories he fought to keep caged, flow unpoliced.

But like he did before, Jessie left. Again. Without a word, not even goodbye, or some excuse to disappear like his regular "got a client upstate, wanna meet him to discuss a deal, be back by midnight. Don't stay up for me, I'd be late." And with that, it'd be another six months before he shows up with a new game console, and a packet of sweets, having those already clichéd apologetic smile plastered on his face.

What could Adrian do, he was his elder brother, so it was automatically apology accepted. Once he left without a notice, and popped back up three months after, this time no excuse, no smile of apology, and no treat, just bruises, cuts, and diarrhea.

But this time was different. Three months had gone by with no sign of his big bro, six, nine, eleven, thirteen, seventeen, and he had lost all traces of Jessie. He could be in jail for all he knew.

Basketball was the first thing Adrian had detached from, as it was a constant reminder of the loving brother who promised to never leave his side, his ride or die bitch.

"I got bored of the game, and had to quit."
He finally responded.

Devon's lip drooped to that reply. He could not believe that anybody could play the almighty basketball, and get bored.

"I'll just have to reinstall that fun part of basketball into you," He smiled. "Even though it means I'll have to do it by force."

Adrian facepalmed in his mind, as he looked at Devon's face which held on to a glimmering smile: peaceful and kind, and territories that spelled "trouble" in his head.
He scoffed Innardly, and kept pushing his feet forward.

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