04; Coldness

Depuis le début

This man was ice block.

"If I recall clearly, I can still remember you moaning beneath me as I pound into your little butthole" the cold person moved closer to the others ear whispering while, Xiao Zhan stood unmoving as he felt the hair on his back stood straight. His breath got caught in his throat as he couldn't seem to form words out of his mouth.

"What?, Has the cat got your tongue. You were running your mouth a few minutes ago" the man continued with his torment against Xiao Zhan's ear, biting his earlobe, sending a pleasurable shiver down his core, as flash back of that night came rushing to his head in full force.

"Since you can't speak, we could use your pretty mouth for something else" that pulled Xiao Zhan out from his trace as he pushed the man away.

"I will be let you treat me like a whore!"

The cold man smriked. "Are you not?. Drinking in a bar, getting drunk, throwing yourself at a random strangers for sex, getting paid. I think that's the list of what a whore would do, Mr Xiao Zhan"

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened. The bastard even knew his name, while he knew nothing of the other man.

"You know my name?"

The man smriked in satisfaction. He seemed to be smriking a lot, Xiao Zhan noticed. This man was a complete bastard. "Unlike you, I intend to know the people I sleep with. That was why I paid you, you are a slut"

"I didn't ask for your money" Xiao Zhan shuted his eyes, trying his best to control his anger.

"Oh no you didn't but I don't see you returning the money"

Xiao Zhan cursed his luck. If he knew he was going to meet the man sooner, he would had never touched the cheque but at least, his only family was saved. For once, he had to lower his pride and receive all the insult this man had to offer. "I used it to save my Uncle's life"

"So, you are poor?"

"How is that any of your business. Judging from the way you are acting now, I beginning to doubt you had that money legally" Xiao said in aggression.

"Trust me, I didn't get it legally" the man said seriously, in a manner that would make anyone believe his words.

Xiao Zhan shut and open his eyes "I do not have time for this. I only touched half of that money, I will send the rest when I have it" Xiao Zhan turned to leave but the chillness person stopped him.

"you don't have to return it. Maybe you might need it for your mother one day" with that, the abrasive person walked pass him to the elevator, eyeing Xiao Zhan in a challenging manner as the doors of the elevator shut on its own.

What a pussy...!

Xoxoxo xoxoxo xoxoxo

Finally stepping out of the huge building, Xiao Zhan held his arms wide opened with his eyes shut as he felt the cool and fresh breeze made of nature caressed his soft cheeks. Finally, he could escape that toture he was feeling inside that building, that was filled with cold and rude human beings.

"Hey!" he heard a voice greeted and he turned Sharply to find Mr Chen, smiling brightly at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you"

"No, You didn't scare me"

Mr Chen stepped closer. "I do not know who are but you are God send. You don't know how greatful I am for what you did for me back there. You literally saved my job"

Xiao Zhan blushed at the thought of someone calling him a God sent. He was only being nice as that was his nature, unlike some people. "Its nothing, I would have done it for anyone"

"You deserve a proper thank you. How about I buy you lunch, it's completely on me" Mr Chen proposed and Xiao raised his eyebrows questioningly. "Its not a date, I assure you"

Xiao Zhan shrugged. "I can't say no to free food"

Mr Chen clenched his hands together. "Perfect, I will meet you tomorrow at the restaurant"

"Yeah, tomorrow is fine" then, he remembered something. "Mr Chen, who was that man earlier. You know, the one yelling at you before? " he chose his words wisely, he didn't want to make it seem like he was stalking the guy.

Mr Chen's expression took a sudden turn. "That's my boss, the CEO of Wang's Cooperation"

And that my people, was how Xiao Zhan's mouth hit the floor hard as he stood unblinking. CEO!? He freaking had a one night stand with a freaking CEO of a big company, who paid him a huge amount of money. Now, he knew the source of his cash.

"Are you okay? " Mr Chen enquired worriedly, seeing the other's bewildered expression.

Xiao Zhan shook his head, coming out from his dumb state "Yes yes, I am perfectly fine and kicking. I better get going now. I will meet you at the restaurant tomorrow"

"Okay, am Chen Alan by the way" he bought his hand out for a hand shake which Xiao Zhan returned with a bright smile.

"Xiao Zhan"

As both turned on their heels, none noticed the extra body witnessing their little encounter from the highest part of the building.

please pardon me for the late update.

Just as I have said before, this my first time writing a plot, so please bear with me and don't hesitate to share your thoughts about the chapters. Maybe, I might change my mind about not being an author...or maybe not!.

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