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To Cho Seungyoun.

The first time I met you, I only knew you as Hangyul hyung's boyfriend.

And you were kind to me.

I think I kind of expected it, to be honest. You are indeed someone he loves so dearly.

Not enough with the fact that you were smart, gorgeous and friendly, you also loved music will all your being. I've always admired that.

Remember how we used to joke about you spending as much time with music as with your boyfriend? Hangyul would always tease you about wanting to spend more time at the piano or playing guitar rather than be with him.

We all knew it wasn't true. Even if I was merely a bystander, I could see the strong love you had for each other...

It wouldn't surprise me if you stayed together in many years after this.


You showed me a song today.

It was written for Hangyul hyung, the love of your life.

You asked me what I thought.

I wanted to say it was lovely and just perfect. Like you, Seungyoun hyung.

I'm sorry I couldn't answer today.

It wasn't respectful of me to leave without answering but I suddenly started coughing too much. I think it's because I've had a sore throat lately. Maybe I'm getting sick, who knows? I should probably stay home for a while.

Do you know what flower would fit you?

A pink camellia.

It has a meaning, though.

"Longing for you."

In a world like this, I can't love you, I shouldn't love you and yet I do.

Isn't that funny?

I knew I never had a chance. Will probably never have either.

But it was nice knowing you at least considered me as an important person for you.

I still don't think I deserve to be an important person of yours.

I'm flattered, though.

You are so sweet, hyung.


Yelling at the sky,
Screaming at the world

All of it came and went like a spring wind.

With the disease, Junho's memories were completely deleted and thrown away forever. They didn't even know if he'd ever get them back.

Seungyoun couldn't decide whether the surgery was a good thing or not. However, it wasn't his place to decide that for Junho.

What hurt him the most was that the younger pushed them away just so they wouldn't be sad when he went.

You're such an idiot, Junho-ah.

He wanted to laugh. Of course it would hurt, even if they were no longer friends. But Junho was right, in some kind of sense.

DaisiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora