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To Nam Dohyon.

You are like a little brother to me, but on the same time not. Do you get it?

I would love you like family, even though my heart seemingly knows no limit.

I guess it's my fault for falling in love so easily. To be honest, I've never pictured myself as someone who could love so easily and break as easily.

You never really now what fate has in stock for you.

Look how my future turned out.

I would say I regret it, but what if I didn't?

You are so young, Dohyon-ah.

You've got your whole life in front of you.

I don't want you to remember me like this. So I keep this disease a secret.

Even if it so kills me, it must remain a secret.

I just want you guys to be happy.

Dongpyo is amazing, isn't he? Was your date fun?

I went to the hospital that day.

To finally see what's wrong with me, you know?

Turns out it wasn't a cold.

That was the first time I heard about the Hanahaki Disease.

I believe I will not die.

The aftermath, however, would be as bad as death anyways.

I don't want to loose those memories.

I want to remember, even if it hurts, even if it feels like my heart is being teared apart, even if I'm slowly being strangled by my favorite flower.

It's not like I hate daises...

I really love them.

I do.

Dohyon-ah. I don't want to forget.

I want to remember everything, all those happy moments that probably didn't mean anything for you.

They meant everything for me.

I cant forget. I refuse to.

I don't want to.

It's the only thing I can hold onto.

I'm nothing without them.

Please....don't let me forget.

I'm selfish. I've always been.

And I'm sick of saying sorry all the time, Dohyon-ah.

But please....forgive me.



The distant sound of his boyfriend's singing woke him up, Dohyon groaning groggily as he rolled to the side.

Blinking at the dim moonlight in his room, the blonde tried to reach for his phone somewhere in the darkness as he accidentally knocked some plushies over.

Almost glaring at his phone, he peered at the strong screen light to identify who was calling him in the middle of the night.

The caller ID on his screen was enough to make him force his eye open.

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