"All to save the rest of you" Sif said, unsure what to make of it all

"Don't you see? She wants to get better. If you take her away from the people she loves, she'll only get worse" Coulson explained

"We understand and we are leaving! Grab the Kree and we can discuss this later Lady Sif" Tyra snarled at her friend

"Yes..." Sif spoke as she walked away. Tyra punched the wall with frustration as she saw Skye

"Don't punch a hole in my wall please" Coulson spoke up

"I am sorry" Tyra said

"Let's go for a walk... she will wake up soon" Coulson said as Tyra left with him
"So, you didn't agree with Sif. Why?" Coulson asked

"I see wars. I can look into the past, future and present... I saw Skye when she grows into who she is suppose to be. I also realised when I saw her powers, she is just as strong as her mother hoped" Tyra answered

"You knew her mother?" Coulson asked

"Yes, but that is all I can say about her... I made a promise" Tyra explained

"Right... let's get you and the other two home" Coulsom said as he took Tyra to a car where she waited for Sif and the Kree to arrive before May got in as well.

They soon all arrived at a empty road and came to a stop
"I know you think I overreacted. But this decision... leaving Skye with you ... it carries real danger" Sif said as she got out the car with Tyra and the Kree

"I want you to understand that. I do. But we'll help her through it" Couslon answered

"Have we arrived yet? This... does not seem familiar" The Kree spoke

"No, this is not your home planet. Lady Sif will take you from here" Coulson told him

"I apologize for my forgetfulness. You have been very kind. Why is my hand not blue?" He asked as he looked down at his hand

"You are in disguise from the people pursuing you. Remember?" Coulson lied to him

"Right. I will keep watch" The Kree answered

"I'll return him to his home planet, Hala. He'll remember none of this. No more trouble should come from there. But here" Sif answered

"Yes. There are other Diviners. But we flooded the city so no one can activate them. We'll take every precaution" Coulson responded

"Coulson... your people make decisions based on logic" Sif spoke

"Usually" Coulson corrected

"Usually. As do ours" Sif agreed

"Usually is becoming strong" Tyra answered

"Leaving Skye with us is the logical choice, I promise" Coulson spoke

"No. No, that is not what I mean. Asgard is millennia beyond you in our pursuit of science, of knowledge, and we have learned there are some things that can never be understood" Sif explained

"Is this little talk one of them?" Couslon joked

"I know you wish to affect the outcome, but it may be ... it may be beyond that" Sif spoke and Tyra gave her a small confused look at first

"Are you talking about fate?" Coulson asked

"I am saying there are tides in the universe that you can not swim against. Best of luck, Son of Coul" Sif smiled

"Thank you" Coulson smiled

"I shall see you all soon, hopefully" Tyra smiled as she hugged Coulson and May

Tyra, Daughter Of OdinWhere stories live. Discover now